NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Continuing with the theme, wolf pics!

Wow! What cute, cuddling looking doggies! Are they AKC certified? How much for that little runt? :)

Awesome pictures!
Ever see a study anywhere on wolf predation and mule deer? All the studies seem to focus on elk. You hear the standard "wolves ate all the deer and elk". but in the area I hunt, the mule deer seem to be thriving. And there are a lot of wolves around. I'd be curious to know how much pressure wolves actually put on deer, especially if elk are in the area. mtmuley
The one in the pic with the deer is the color I want bad, gorgeous hide.

I forgot my rifle on a shed hunting trip last year and had a 50-70 pounder that color broadside at 100 yards. Most sinking feeling I've ever had in the woods.