Congrats Mini Gunner


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
A little Bird told me today that Mini Gunner got HER first goose. Just wanted to say Congrats !!
What the heck is going on here? We have a little bird telling you things on here and on the other post we have Big Bird where FLIPPER is hunting. Congrats Mini Gunner.
A proud Daddy...
You back in town yet?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes I am.
You've been thinking of making that run to Twin Falls now for quite some time. I'll be around both of those days in the evening...about 5-ish. You game for doing dinner? I think I owe you. Plus I have some venison if you want and your radio.
I'll aim for Wednesday. I have to hit the taxidermist in Twin by 5pm, and then turn around, and head back toward home.

And you're right about dinner, I did make you that awesome PB&J on Halloween.
Shall I plan on just you, or will you have the little ones as well?

Shrimp Fettuccini sound okay?