Colorado unit 76


New member
Jul 31, 2001
Addison, NY
I'm expecting to draw a muzzleloader elk tag in Co unit 76 this year, along with two partners..

Does anyone have any knowledge of this unit that they would be willing to share..??....

We would prefer to camp and hunt on our own and we don't have horses...
Hey Pygmy,

Welcome to Moosies... I don't know anything about Colorado Unit 76, but thought I would welcome you anyway. I did pick your brain a few years back on Alaska. Hope all is well.
Thanks, Elkgunner...I well remember our conversations... I've been back to AK twice since then and plan to go again in '06...

Good to hear from you again...
I have hunted unit 77 just next to 76. Amazingly beautiful country. High, rugged and remote. I have hiked up to the divide and looked into 76............looks the same at 77 to me LOL The Weiminuche is a great place. There are also some good bulls in there.

Because 76 is limited access you would most likely run into fewer hunters. How many points do you have now? I will be in 77 again this fall for the archery elk season. Good luck!
We're applying with 9 points...

We got turned down last year with 8...

Thanks for the good tidings..Good luck to you also in 77......