Colorado Trip

Not much better than brookies in a frying pan! Looks like you had a great trip...congrats!
Thanks for the pics....2 weeks from tomorrow son, daughter in law, and wife and I leave for Colorada. Hope you left a few for us.
Thanks for the comments guys!

noharleyyet, don't worry..we left plenty of them for you! The lakes we were at don't even come close to getting fished out. In addition to this, you have to let the cutthroats go there, so there are lots of them there! Good luck on your trip!
Looks like a great time.Thanks for sharing. Haven't been able to get out this year,but hope too at soon.
Were you using barbless hook in the streams with the cutthroats? I lose more fish than I catch with

Keep your line tight and hooks sharp you should be fine. Haven't fly fished with a barbed hook since I started in the mid-80s and usually if I lose a fish they break the line ( bad knot,kink in my line or slack).
Looks like a great time to me, +1 on the shore lunch, don't get much bettter Thnaks for sharing!

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