Colorado Sheep and Goat Results?


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
Lubbock, Texas
I read on another forum that a guy was able to go down to the local DOW office and find out that he drew his sheep tag.

The website shows the results post on May 6th, but sometimes they post earlier for some states.

I tried to check the results, but I don't have a CID yet and when I did a search based on my last name, date of birth and zip code it came up empty.

I'm hoping I filled everything out correctly, they did cash my check on time, but that doesn't really mean anything I guess.

Anyone know if they wait until the date before releasing anything online for sure?

Thanks, Nathan
I have been drawing here since '95, and have always been made to wait. Never released anything to me? Maybe the guy paid someone off, or knows someone in that office? The 'day' is a moving target though, b/c there have been times when they release/announce early. AND, our CDOW successfully cut tag opportunities in half so maybe it did not take them long to figure out who got what?
Call 303-297-1192 and ask them to look up your results. Or you can wait until they post, which may or may not be before May 6th. I expected them to be posted by now.

Just call the number and you won't have to wait and wonder.
I called and they very positively told me that I did earn a preference point this year.

I guess I filled everything out correctly at least!

Hopefully they will get that tag fee refunded in time to pay my credit card that has all my New Mexico tags on it!
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npaden..if you have never even applied for those there is a minimum 3 year wait before you can least the way I read the regs
I think there are a few tags that don't have the 3 year wait.

At least I thought the one I applied for didn't have a wait.
'Proposed tag numbers have been posted, for approval at the May meeting...

This is what I referred to - funny, you posted it Oak. Thought you did, anyway, been my experience what is proposed - is what will be. imo! Sorry if I mis-spoke. They are in the process of, and will be successfully cutting opoprtunities.

We are discussing sheep and goat tags. I didn't know you were off topic. I still don't see much opportunity cut by 50% on that list.

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