Colorado rifle first vs second


Oct 10, 2017
Hey there! So group of us are looking at first or second rifle in Colorado. The unit we are going to one of they guys had hunted before so we have experience spots to camp.

I've hunted in Idaho before but was unlucky, and the other two have never hunted elk before, and one is a youth. So we are thinking second rifle as its a longer season to get more time in the woods and learn more, but first season is a guarantee draw with higher success rates (from go hunt) but shorter in length.

We are leaning second season, even though success seems lower and hunting pressure higher. We at planning on getting there a few days before season starts to get camp set to get, acclimated and scoutcookies Thoughts? What challenges might we face? And are bulls moving closer to sanctuaries at this time? Or if we find any cows will we see some bulls around them?

Thanks for any insight!
It's tough to say which one is better. As you say 1st rifle is nice because it is limited and depending on the area that can really help with hunter numbers. I hunted a basin 1st rifle one year and had it to myself. I hunted the same basin next year 2nd rifle and ran into a hunter who said he knew of 17 other guys in the same basin. That's certainly not the case everywhere though. If you find cows, you'll probably find bulls but they may not be the really mature ones. I feel like 1st rifle the bigger bulls are more likely to still be hanging around with the cows and you may even see some rutting activity and hear some bugles. Elk will probably be less spooky during 1st rifle as well. I watched a group of cows sleeping at 2pm in the middle of an open hillside this year. It sounds like you have a good idea of the pros and cons. Post-rut bulls in Colorado can be tough. In my experience, it's not terribly difficult to find elk if you put in some effort. Killing them, at least for me, has been the hard part. If you can, try to split your tags between cows and bulls. Good luck.
I would go 2nd season, gives you more days to hunt and enjoy the mountains. Five days to elk hunt is pretty short. When I hunted Colorado (10 years ago) after the 3rd or 4th day pressure dropped about half. Same with the 3rd season. Lots of hunters get burned out or fill tags within 2/3 days, and leave early. Looked for recently burned areas, I heard there elk magnets. Also big open parks where you can glass for miles.
Without a doubt I'd be hunting 1st season.Bulls have had a good break since end of archery to relax.They should still be vocal somewhat.No deer hunters in the field or cow hunters.If you need extra time to learn the unit,go 3-4 days early and have your elk located for the opener.Second and third season will be a zoo,but 80% of them don't venture too far from a road or trail.The pressure will push them around more.But more likely,just make the nocturnal in their movements But, if your good with a topo map, finding the herds in 2nd season isn't that tough after you make 1/2 mile circles around all roads and trails.The areas outside those circles with steep contour should hold a few bulls to hunt
I agree, 1st is way better than second for reasons mentioned. I'm an archery hunter but take friends out to my area during 1st rilfe. Its crazy how easy it is. Less people etc. Best season in CO for killing bulls.
When I lived in CO, we hunted the first rifle season. And archery. All 3 years we did 1st rifle, the bulls bugled a bit. I actually bugled in a bull for my wife on opening day. Second season was OTC, so we just didn't like the crowds. I took some guys out for 2nd season once, and found elk but there were more folks in the hills camped where the elk were on the 1st season opener...
1st season is shorter but you're talking only a fraction of the hunters in the woods, so you need to ask yourself if you want more time in the field or quality time in the field? I've hunted units that are otc and in the second & third seasons with the pressure there's a good chance the elk will be on private
1st season, in my opinion, is the better bet. Especially with your group of hunters with a youth and hunters with no experience in the elk woods. The 9 day 2nd season gives you more time in the woods but 9 days in a huge mental and physical barrier for a lot of people. 1st season has less pressure plus the chance to locate bulls bugling with a rifle in hand. 2nd season usually consists of a lot of locals hunting the 2 weekends while the first 4-5 days of 2nd season have the woods(and roads) filled with ambitious hunters. As stated above, I would take 5 quality day in the woods compared to 9 days of fighting the crowds of hunters.

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