Colorado mule deer hunting advice needed


New member
Aug 30, 2015
My brother and i have been out here in colorado hunting mule deer in units 65 and 64 without any luck been hunting a couple state wildlife areas and various pieces of blm . Been seeing a ton of does but can't find the bucks to save our life. The hunting pressure is unbelievable i hunted this area 10 years ago and it was not nearly this bad that time we went 5 for 5 on bucks. Just wondering if anyone had any advice got a day and a half to hunt yet.I was thinking maybe we should try hunting up higher but I'm not sure if the deer would still be up there we did hunt for a few hours up near silver jack. Guess im rambling on here but im getting desperate lol Thanks
I'm no expert, but I would say go higher. The bucks are most likely staging for the rut. If you're seeing does, it is most likely a matter of time before the bucks show up, but with the hunting pressure it is hard to say. Last weekend I saw a ton of does and even some bucks, but I couldn't find a mature buck for the life of me. I'm hoping the bucks will start working into some of the areas I have been seeing the does.
Keep hard after it. You never know what can happen in a day and a half. I don't know anything about those units so I don't have any specific help but I've hunted Colorado quite a bit. I would check out your maps and see if there are any pockets of hard to get to country just a little bit higher in elevation than the does and other hunters you're seeing. I know you don't have much time but it might be worth a shot to get into some new country. When we first started going to Colorado we'd get sucked into the areas with high deer and hunter numbers but we avoid them completely now. Good luck.