CJ is he a poacher?


New member
Jan 22, 2003
Shot my limit of doves this morning [10] but came home w/11, on my way home a dove slammed into a big truck, and i stopped and picked it up, i put it in the truck and brought it home and cleaned it up with the rest of them, am i a bad boy or a guy who doesnt want to see meat go to waste?
I doubt game and fish would consider that poaching. I say you salvaged a bird that would have gone to waste...
I think we will let you off the hook. I guess the question is, can you live with yourself?

I also killed over my limit yesterday. I shot four sharpies and then ran one over. The dam thing never flew and I wan't going to swerve too much to miss.

never checked out the carcass, but at 50mph I was guessing there wasn't much to salvage.
Game warden would probably let you slide on that one, but......................

That sort of thing makes the little baby jesus cry so you are gonna go to hell!!
I think i`m going to hell if i keep staring at those bouncing tits! Miller i`m learning stuff from you [ crp fields] now could you please tell me what a sharpi is? by they way the truck driver killed the dove I am innocent.
I dont consider ya a poacher cjcj.

But in some areas there is always a hard assed wildlife officer fresh out of the academy who would still nail ya if he counted them. You know the ones that walk up to already convinced you are a criminal.
Sorry, showing my Montana vocabulary. Sharpie=sharp-tail grouse

By the way, I will be hunting SD whities come November. Any shots at that one.
cj, Technically, I think you're guilty. You had over ten doves in your possession.
You might have tried to convince the game warden one was hit by a truck, but he could say maybe you hit it with a stick.
Some of them can be real zealous about enforcing the law! Either way, you now have a debt to pay to society and I think we in SI should decide the sentence.
How about a day of cruising in a lowrider with eight illegals?
Miller i`m not trying to get picky, i just didn`t know what a sharpie was, but now i know ,thanks for the info. all we have down here in AZ is blue grouse.[ and there aint a lot of them]
1. Over the limit in possession.

2. Road hunting.

3. Illegal weapon.

What side of the road was the bird on that you poached with an illegal weapon and then had an illegal limit? I hope your side, its illegal to hunt accross a public road, at least here.

(Just kidding.)
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