Choking on the big one


New member
Dec 23, 2000
Or the little one

Buck fever, also known as;
My scope was knocked out of line
The sun was in my eyes
He jumped right when I shot
That buck is bullet proof

Any one care to relate a tail of blowing an easy shot because of “buck fever” !

Here’s mine;
About seven years ago, on a weekend hunt, nobody had seen a single deer all Friday or Saturday, so I decided to leave early Sunday and check out some new country on my way home. Several miles down a 4X4 trail, I spotted a small group of deer about 400 yds up a clear-cut, moving into the trees. I glassed them, and one was a small forky. I parked, and stalked off through the trees, and I started getting really excited, even though I knew the buck was real small. The cover was thick, but I spotted him through an opening , and raised my rifle. I admit it, I was shaking so bad I couldn’t steady the gun for an easy shot at a standing broadside buck only 70 yards away. I’ve shot dozens of deer, most of them bigger than this one, but for some reason it felt like my first deer hunt. I lowered the rifle and tried to compose myself, and shouldered it again. Once again, I couldn’t hold aim at a barn door, much less a small buck, so I safed the gun and wished the deer “good luck” with the next hunter.
I love that feeling, I hope it never goes away.
This not really a "buck fever" story but it ranks right up there. I was bowhunting from a tree stand along an Iowa cornfield--20 degrees and I was in the stand at 5:00 AM.
About 7:00 a 14 pointer walks right in front of me--no more than 15 yds. out. I'm so cold that when I start to draw I can't pull the string back--try as I might I just could not get the cams to roll over. I felt pretty stupid and weak. The buck stayed around for almost 30 minutes--just to taunt me I guess. I started hunting 10 lbs. lighter after that fiasco.
Took my biggest whitetail with little skill on my part after a full 10 minutes of hyperventilation. Fortunately he was patient. You never forget your first glimpse of a long heavy wide fairchase whitetail.
well gunndog that kinda funny but then again pain w ehave deer here in summer and sit right where u go to drive in the parkin lot for empress casino a bunch nice bucks doe just sit watch and in there own mind they say cant get me not huntin season and tease ya too u walk up prob wont move so yeah i can see gunn dog and yeah buck fever in way i agree good hunte ru rae happy for next guy to get it :D
i walked up on a cow elk the first year i bowhunted i was no more then 15 yrds my heart started pumping so hard my bow bounced high then low i unloaded my bow and quiver 6 arrows and never touched the cow. i ran her off to get my arrows back and the bull came charging upto 5 yrds befor he saw what i was i really thought he was comeing to attack me he went one way i went the other.
2 more sec with that cow i'm sure i would of had a heart attack. i thought my head would pop off my shoulders.
i love it.
later that same trip i had my son sitting on a log behind me about 30 yrds back and a bull was coming and bugleing up a storm he couldn't have been more then 40 yrds when a squirral ran across the log moseley was sitting on he stood up and started yelling DAD,DAD. and came running over to me he was 6 and he thought that bull was after him too.
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