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Chip or Download?


New member
Aug 28, 2009
I know that this has been discussed before, but I can't find the thread. :confused:

As the recipient of an Oregon 450t for X-mas, I am wondering what more experienced users like more from huntingGPSmaps.

Which is better, the chip or the downloaded map? What are the benefits to your preference?
Chip is what I went with. Simpler but you don't get the updates each year unless you send them in. Seems like it costs 20$ for the update.
Download is my choice

I think the download is the way to go.

1. Ability to scout on your computer any time with a full screen.
2. Get Downloaded updates without the hassle of mailing the chip in.
3. Don't have to use up batteries to look at the info on a small screen.
4. No down time while sending things back forth in the mail.

The clincher for me was the ability to put the download on multiple computers if you have more than one that maybe you take with you at work? I know none of us look at this stuff at work:) Plus the idea of sitting at a glowing screen before anyone gets up with a cup of coffee scouting areas sounds like time well spent. Its like 30 bucks more but really just don't eat out for one night.... done.

Just some thoughts......
I have the download and like it very much. There is an update which I have not, yet installed...... so I do not know if there is a cost. I was under the impression that it was free. I may be wrong.

I like the download because I can sit on my home computer and look at the maps, before and after, I go on the hunt. It's great to zoom in and out to exact locations. Great for preparing for a hunt and great for when you get back so you can check on places that you did not explore.

I will go with more downloads in the future.

good luck to all
the dog
download. Many reasons though best is the comfort of research at the computer using the info for property, etc... on a screen larger then my gps :)

Originally I purchase the chip - found out the chip would not load onto my computer and as quick as I found that out - I returned it then purchased download.