Cheers to FWP! Disabled hunt abuse.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
I recently received a letter from the FWP regarding disabled Hunter permits.

I'll see if I can find one online to give a link... though in a nutshell it comments that last year the disabled community approach Montana Legislature which changes in an attempt to curb the permits abuse and misuse of able-bodied hunters.
apparently this is Senate bill 101.

I receive this letter to validate disabled permit from my accident April 2012. they are requiring information to prove I fit within the requirements to receive this permit.

I too have seen this abused incredibly! 7 months after my accident on the first hunting season from having been a quadriplegic to being able to walk limited my doctor signed a note for disabled hunting permit. I sought use for the wilderness using this permit however was declined. I still think that was BS. I sought a road to be opened so I could drop off my gear then get out and close the road again however that was not available in the area I was hunting. I resorted to hunting my usual manner.
after that even though my doctor says I'm well within the boundaries of legitimate use for the disabled permit I personally do not believe I fit that role anymore and have not used it. I simply consider it the next challenge along my recovery / rehab.

with all that stated receiving this letter was a great feeling as you, myself and the dog next door know this is been ridiculously abused.

grats to Senate bill 101 and grats FWP is pushing this as required in the letter I received!
it is actually pretty restrictive and should eliminate a bunch of these nutjobs. I believe its were sharing in the event any of us run across one of these nuts cakes in the field abusing this to be aware of what is required to fill a disability permit.

Here it is :
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