Grand poopa
YAH RIGHT !!! BLAH BLAH BLAH ... dah dah dah.... DEEEE DEEE DEEEE... SILLY ME.. NOt sleeping... DAHH DAHH DAHHh .. humm humm hummm....MAybe I should be writing a song... Or making up a Story .
WE are the Chamion... no one can Beat us Cuz We are the Champion...... Of the WORLD !!!!!
Now tell me you didn't just have that song in your head ?!?! HUH ? WHAT was that ... TELl me something I didn't know.. I'm rubber , You;re glue... BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAAhhhh.. ETC. Etc...
I wonder what time it is In JApan Right now ?
I wonder how much wood a Wood chuick can Actually chuck ? HUmmm I do. How does a wood chuck chuck wood ? Is Chucking like Throwing ? I remember as a kid I used to get wood... HEHE , I said , 'GET WOOD"
LAAA DEE LAAAHhhh DEEE LAAA la la !!! Ahhh thats a good tune.. Every body now !!! LAAA DEE LAAAHhhh DEEE LAAA la la !!! LAAA DEE LAAAHhhh DEEE LAAA la la !!!
See, I knew You'd like it !!!!
Well, I either need some Sleep or need to start Drinkin' .. .IT's THE GREEN PILL YOU IDIOT !!! tAKE THE GREEN PILL !! NOT THE RED ONES !!!! ahHH THE VOICES IN MY HEAD !!!!
... whhhOOOO I feel better now, thanx !!
WE are the Chamion... no one can Beat us Cuz We are the Champion...... Of the WORLD !!!!!
Now tell me you didn't just have that song in your head ?!?! HUH ? WHAT was that ... TELl me something I didn't know.. I'm rubber , You;re glue... BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAAhhhh.. ETC. Etc...
I wonder what time it is In JApan Right now ?
I wonder how much wood a Wood chuick can Actually chuck ? HUmmm I do. How does a wood chuck chuck wood ? Is Chucking like Throwing ? I remember as a kid I used to get wood... HEHE , I said , 'GET WOOD"
LAAA DEE LAAAHhhh DEEE LAAA la la !!! Ahhh thats a good tune.. Every body now !!! LAAA DEE LAAAHhhh DEEE LAAA la la !!! LAAA DEE LAAAHhhh DEEE LAAA la la !!!
See, I knew You'd like it !!!!
Well, I either need some Sleep or need to start Drinkin' .. .IT's THE GREEN PILL YOU IDIOT !!! tAKE THE GREEN PILL !! NOT THE RED ONES !!!! ahHH THE VOICES IN MY HEAD !!!!
... whhhOOOO I feel better now, thanx !!