chasing bobcats today


New member
Nov 22, 2009
I was lucky enough to draw a Pa bobcat tag.We got a little snow yesterday so I'll be out again chasing with hounds.Last time I went with this guy we had 3 chases.Two ended in the rocks, and the other ended up miles away.Hopefully, I'll get lucky on one of these cats today.Probably the best excercise I know of for preparing for elk.The guy I hunt with is an animal.Thats why I hunt with him though.He has a never give up approach.We'll hunt from sun up till almost sun down looking for fresh tracks to set the dogs off on.First year I ever tried this type hunting, and now I know why so many enjoy it.I'll be sore when I get home, but hopefully be able to post a big tom cat
We had a few good chases yesterday, but no dead cat.Pretty sure one treed in some hemlocks in the middle of a swamp as the dog wouldn't leave.There was no way to see a cat in one of those trees if he made it up to the top.We looked for about 45 minutes.Had the dog jump one within 100 yards of me, but the cat took off straight away and never circled back.That was pretty exciting.I still have 3 more weeks of season left to fill this tag.There were cat tracks everywhere yesterday.Actually, too many, and I think it was confusing the dog.Had a great time anyway; beat work.Now I'll go back to work 7 days a week waiting for the next snow to take off and try again
Filled my bobcat tag yesterday hunting with dogs; 21 lb male.No giant but I was real happy.It was a real exciting hunt.Chase lasted about 1/2 hour before I caught the cat sneeking back to some rock ledges, and rolled him.Never thought it would be as fun as it was.Thinking about a little bigger cat next year;mt. lion
I hunted Varmits and Hogs this weekend too up in Oklahoma with a bunch of folks from Colorado. Lot's of sign but no luck. We found some "Kitty" tracks around where I has spotted some during deer season but could not get them called up. We walked a bunch and was using the time breaking in my new Elk boots!
I'd have to e-mail someone pictures.I'm not smart enough with computers to post them here