Chambo and Shadowrider!!!


Dec 11, 2000
Good luck tommorrow guys, i see its your opener and i will be anxiously awaiting to hear the results and see the pics :D :D.You two guys being are veteran turkey experts around here outta have some pictures for us next week!

Thanks DKO,
Don't tell Chambo, but I sent someone over to pull the plug on his alarm clock tonight. :eek:

I'll fess up. I went out at daylight this morning and had one gobbling on the roost. Sounded like a jake. He flew down early and kept gobbling. (Now, before you guys roast me, understand that I hunt private land and have little to no effect on other hunters, and anything detrimental that I do, I do unto myself, knowingly.) I called softly and got an immediate response. Two more toms joined him and were making pretty good music. One of the new birds sounded young but the other one sounded better. There is a river between us and I figured they would hang at the river. Sure enough, they did. I called VERY sparingly, perhaps 3 or 4 more times, while they came and went, trying to convince me to join them. This went on for a good 15-20 minutes before they began to drift away. Just as I was getting ready to leave, I heard a full gobble, just on the other side of the river, so I yelped a few times and hushed. He answered right back. The next time he answered it sounded like he may be coming across the river. Sure enough, here he came. I never called again, but instead just watched him make his way towards me, calling and calling. He was hot! He had to come about 250 yards to get to me and when he was about 40 yards out in front, he stopped and made a stand for about 5 min utes, just gobbling away. Soon, he began to walk on off and kept moving on up the field, still gobbling. I watched him another 10-15 minutes before he disappeared into the brush. I didn't see his spurs, but he was definitely in the 10" plus beard catagory.

Now, if that bad boy is there in the morning and remembers the hen that wouldn't show herself..... :D :D :D SR