
Elliot Viker

New member
Jan 18, 2001
Hilsboro, ND
How many of you like to fish for catfish? I live on the red river of the north, and the fishing is great. If I take the boat out, I will catch 15-20 an hour. I have been thinking of guiding in the summer. Any suggestions on how to best do this?
Elliot if your catching 15-20 an hour then I would say your doing good enough for guideing.Now the only thing is to get your name out there and how to that wold depend on if you have alot tourist or locals.The free news papers get me alot of buisness from the locals.getting customers from bait shops might be good.Whatever you do I envy you!! I wish I could fish for a liveing.Good Luck!!!

I love catchings Cats also.there are alot of good lakes and rivers around here to do so.The southern part of the St.Johns is good.One of my favorite spots is on a canal that links two huge lakes together.It has several 90 degree bends that hold cats all the time.
Catfishing is fun and they put up a better fight than largemouth bass. I remember one bass tournament last year. I couldnt catch a bass all night long, my partner caught over 50(my 10 year old daughter). How ever I did catch over 20 cats the biggest being 12lbs. All these cats where caught on blue fleck power lizzards 4" size.

It was a blast.

I farm for a living, but since the river is right here, it is about the only body of water I get time to fish on. The fighing is great for catfish, and the walleye in the fall are something to behold.
If your going to guide fishing trips, keep in mind you will need insurance and a guide liecnce from the game and fish dept. Also you will have to get permits from the state and federal land divisions if you guide on lakes that fall in there jurisdiction. It sounds like a pain in the butt but it will pay for your own fishing trips. and you will have fun as well. Always offer discounts if your customer brings his kid or kids. If the kids catch fish I guerentee you they will come back..


Man I need to get a spell checker..
have you guys even seen those crazy dudes that catch big blue/flatheads cats by hand????? they feel around with their feet until they locate them and stick there friggin arm in the cats mouth and pull him up!!!! ?????

i will try to find the article i read!!!!

Genesis 27:3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison

[This message has been edited by DKO (edited 01-31-2001).]
DKO, here in Mo. they used to do it all the time! My dad pulled a lot of the big ones out of the Miss.channels. They have outlawed that kind of fishing here now!!!I sure do like to fish for the big ones in the Miss.

Rod and reel man! I have fished this river all of my life, and know how to find them. All are chanal cats, and I have some that have topped 20lbs. Most are eating size in the 2-5lbs size. We can use two rods in ND, and the action can get hot at times.
I like to bottom fish with cut shad or use stink bait!

I have been able to do a little bit of "grab" fishing in my youth! It is something when you run your hand under a log and find a big old snapping turtle or snake instead of a fish!

Catfishing and having a catfish cook is both a blast and somewhat a southern tradition for me!


Down here in God's country(south arkansas), we like to trotline for big flatheads in the White and Arkansas rivers. On the Arkansas, we also snag some pretty good ones from below the dams. As for hogging, I've done it with scuba gear out of some boxes that had been sunk, although I haven't grabbed any big ones , I've seen some 40+ flatheads caught that way.
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