PEAX Equipment

Caribou hunt 2010 North Brooks Range

That is super cool. Congrats on a great trip and thanks for sharing.
I'd love to be able to do a hunt like that with my wife.Luckily, at least she allows me to go do them.Enjoyed the story and the pics.Ak. is on my "to do"list within the next couple years.Finding a partner for it has been real tough.Not the place I'll do a solo hunt
You ought to be ashamed! You knew there were no caribou over that hill! "Honey, go crawl over there and look while I hold this camera!

Nah, that was a great story with great pics. Love the very first one from on top the mountain....takes your breath away. I`m also fortunate to have a wife who loves to hunt! I`ve got to try the "honey, crawl over there" trick! :D

Dude..... Don't ever Lie to us Again. We're all men, we know the reason !!! HAHA !!

Great story and Great pics. One heck of a trip it sounded like. Kudos to both you guys !!! AWESOME !!
That is so cool. WOW! My wife's idea of adventure is shopping with a credit card limit.
You ought to be ashamed! You knew there were no caribou over that hill! "Honey, go crawl over there and look while I hold this camera!

Nah, that was a great story with great pics. Love the very first one from on top the mountain....takes your breath away. I`m also fortunate to have a wife who loves to hunt! I`ve got to try the "honey, crawl over there" trick! :D[/QUOTE]

Thanks guys .
The trip was just great with adventure , game , great company and scenery to boot .
My wife got a kick from the comments of this picture .She said guys are guys no matter where you are at !!!!
If you look real close about 3 o'clock slightly off center of picture you will see a marmot sitting there , not kidding .
I thought she got way to close .

Here is a picture of the marmot that you are looking for


I have a 2011 Spring Kodiak Brown bear hunt coming up and she wanted to go on that one but she will not have enough vacation time to do it , it will be about 3 weeks total . Too many other obligations through out 2011 to do this hunt so a work buddy is going over with me .
I will do another write up on that hunt .

Thanks again.

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