Caribou Gear

Car broken in to...


New member
Jul 22, 2015
Great start to the season boys. My wife's vehicle and mine were broken in to this weekend. Items stolen from me: G19 (see below**), backcountry pack, boots, tent, sleeping bag, gps, rain gear, knife, game bags, flash light, head lamp, and gloves. I am in the military and we are getting ready to go out in the field in a few days. I brought all this equipment home to do a "gear shakeout" and make sure I had all my items. I use a mix of civilian and military gear. The bag I brought obviously had all my hunting stuff in there. Additionally I had some military items in there.

I immediately reported it to police. I guess there was a string of robbery's in the neighborhood. My next door neighbor had body armor stolen out of his vehicle (also in the military). I reported it to my home owners insurance this am and am hoping for a speedy claim. Any body have any experience with having hunting stuff stolen? I am hoping to at least get 50% back on stuff. Do you guys think this is unreasonable?

** I understand that keeping a weapon in the car may seem unconventional to many of you. I was raised to have a weapon damn near everywhere (bedroom, car, kitchen, tv room, etc). It is/ was my property and IS my choice on what to do with it. Now I don't typically keep it in the car overnight but my wife is pregnant and we had a false alarm, after we came back home and I got her back in the house and I had another task to take care of and it slipped my mind.
I had the same thing happen last year over labor day, except it was my garage. I usually wouldn't leave a gun out there, but last minute I realized I didn't need/want it taking up space in my truck for our trip, so I tucked it into a corner since we were leaving and the house was locked up already. You said you called police, I recommend getting them pictures and detailed descriptions of everything. I never had much faith anything would ever be found, but about two weeks later I returned from a hunt, to find a voicemail from a detective. The regional drug task force busted a meth trafficking and prostitution ring at a local skeezy hotel, and found an entire room full of stolen stuff. Turns out some of the lower level dealers were running a burglary ring to subsidize their dope habit. I got a good chunk of my things back. I was shocked. Good luck to you.
I had my truck broken into one time in Albacrackie.8 yrs ago. Motel.
Lost a load of hunting gear, including my calls,clothes,pc,briefcase taken. This was just stuff in front. Camper was unlocked & they didn't even look inside.
Cops did not take prints or do much and only I got some papers from briefcase back. They knew who did it.Local known tweekers.LOL
Had the pistol still in room with me along with last bag. I was checking out,truck cab was locked.
Lucky they did not look under rain gear in backseat,where my 30-30 is kept.
My extended family has had mixed results getting their stuff back even if they catch the criminals. Hope for the best.