Caribou Gear

California archery tule cow hunt

Congrats on the FHL elk! Someday I hope to draw also! What zone were you mainly hunting?
This beard was around a decade before hipster was a word, and I have a beard because I’m neither a woman nor a child!!!

Good to hear from you! When am I getting a guided MT hunt?

Anytime bro, although you could do a lot better than me walking you through the woods.

Hope the fires gave you a wide berth this time.
When is my Tule elk meat being delivered? And don't listen to Rancho, we kicked him out of this state years ago.
Awesome game! Your Dawgs played a helluva game.

The Rose Bowl is an awesome place.. Spent a lot of Saturdays there, and a couple of New Year Days.

Cool Bearclaw!
Home field for a couple games for me. Ahh,Passthedowners as we called it. Little did we know it was a good place to grow up for the most part.At least I could walk right into the San Gab's. Took my 1st buck on a ridge overlooking the Arroyo above the RB.
Sweet tactical scarf!! :)

Got to protect the neck in the mid-day warm temps!

The Rose Bowl was awesome, I used to hunt the hills above a few years ago and one great night there was a concert going on and I could see the bowl in the background as I hiked my archery deer out under the cover of darkness... Pretty awesome place! And yes, the Dawgs showed up! One more and then those seniors can go to the NFL.
Very cool! Tule elk aren't talked about enough, but it's always awesome to hear about a hunt for them. No doubt you busted your butt and put on a heck of a stalk in some arid terrain, but you did it! Congrats!
Caribou Gear

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