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CA black bear


Active member
Aug 20, 2020
Anyone have any insight in California if and when these bears start to head into hibernation? Tags good til dec 27th but ive heard mixed reviews on whether some of stay active year round due to our winters being relatively mild in some of their habitats.. i know way up in the sierras near the xzone those winters can be rough but down in the 4500-6500 range it isnt overwhelming. Any tips or knowledge are appreciated
It’s open until 12/27 or when they reach 1500 bears state wide, which hasn’t been the case for a few years now. As far as hibernation I think most of them do. Although your chances of getting one in the high country go down the later in the season it gets. I had a late season deer tag a few years ago and saw one in early December but he was around 4000 feet in elevation so not super high and around this time of year your best bet would probably be in the scrub oaks or manzanita brush where they could still get some food. Best of luck to you!
I'm in the same boat. I struck out on blacktails this year. New adult onset hunter. Last year I was invited to some private mendocino county land that was un-pressured and it was a great introduction, but not realistic for public land hunters. Now I'm going solo, spent 10+ days around 299 and 3/trinities. I've been hesitant to go more than a half mile from the truck solo since I'm inexperienced. Still have that bear tag and I would love to make something of my efforts. Everyone talks about how bear infested that area is but all I ever find is scat. Acorns dropped early this year, seems like manzanita berries are holding out and are what we should look for? Lower elevations? Any specific advise would be fantastic if there's anyone out there. I want to earn it, but It's just been tough getting into hunting when you don't have the background, and don't have the friends, and no one is willing to share specific advice.
Anyone have any insight in California if and when these bears start to head into hibernation? Tags good til dec 27th but ive heard mixed reviews on whether some of stay active year round due to our winters being relatively mild in some of their habitats.. i know way up in the sierras near the xzone those winters can be rough but down in the 4500-6500 range it isnt overwhelming. Any tips or knowledge are appreciated
I get bears on camera year round down here in D6/D7 areas.
Ok so wife gave me oermission to get a final hunt in before season gives out, when and where are you seeing these guys this time of the year. Want to use this tag!
Any insight to what their behavior is like this time of year for those that are skipping hibernation?
Pickings are kinda slim this time of year, look for any scrub oaks that may have left over acorns, more thank likely on the ground or anything like rotting stumps that may still have grubs
Really? Theyll be that low in the sub alpine areas?
Ok last question, how does snowfall affect these bad boys behavior. Do they hunker down during the snow and then reemerge to fill up on food or does it put em more dormant for several days
Bears are tough this time of year. Many bears have started hibernating by now, but by no means all. In fact, a good proportion of bears don't hibernate at all in the Sierras. At this time of year, concentrate on oak woodlands that aren't completely inundated with snow. Bears will be after acorns, which are one of the few remaining food sources. They will also use chaparral shrublands adjacent to the oak woodlands for the green forage. Huckleberry oaks are typically good food sources, but they are higher in elevation, which likely has too much snow right now. Below is a link to a helpful study at Sequoia NP that should lead you in the right direction. Good luck, and report back!
Ill be heading up this weekend. Will let you know what i find or dont find
Spend the day yeaterday road hunting/scouting/exploring and only cut one set of tracks through the fresh snow. It was around the 4000ft level with a good dose of oak and manzanita.
Thank you sir!!!
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