NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Bwca 2013. . .


Well-known member
Sep 5, 2012
Just got back from the annual trek into the Boundry Waters. Once again this year, another great time. The weather didn't really cooperate towards the end of the week. . .rain, wind, 40 degrees for the lows. The water level seemed to be up a good foot or so and the fishing wasn't as good as it has been the past few years, but, we did catch some nice fish. . .just not the numbers as in the past. It was just nice not being at work, so I would have sat in the rain all week, at least I wasn't at work and nobody could call me!! LOL If you guys ever get the chance to go and canoe into that area. . .do it!! Its not expensive and the scenery is tough to beat. . .and most years so is the fishing! I'll post some pics, but can"t do it here at work anymore for some reason. Good luck to all in the upcoming seasons. I'll be heading to WY in Oct for the pronghorns again this year. . .I'm hooked! RJ
Looking forward to pics and more details! I've given considerable thought into a trip up there for next year's family vacation. However, my boys will only be 4 and 6 next June, so I would prefer a lodge/cabin stay. Is it all paddle only or do some of the lakes allow motors? What specie of fish did you catch?
mtmiller, I will get some pics up as soon as I can, just having trouble with them loading here at work and can't get it figured out. I may have to do it with my phone with Chrome? I hope you get to go up there...I always love your pics and you could really get some good ones there!

bowhunterben, no moose this year. . .I have been taking trail cams with me the last few years and have yet to get a pic. Its been about 4 years since I have seen a moose up there actually. ( I think they may have a wolf problem. . .I have seen them every year)

bulldog, we actually went into Lake one this year because of our mix of ages ( no portages) my Dad is 65 and one of our friends from Virginia is 75! they are a couple of tough ol goats! lol. We usually go down the Kawishawi about 4-5 portages, but have been all over up there. Its great up there and I highly recommend going.

1pt, It is a paddle in area only in the Boundary Waters Area, however, they have lakes around that you can use motors on ( Moose Lake) and many others. I believe most have a restrictions on the hp too. . 15hp max I believe. We catch huge bluegill, Northerns, walleye,smallmouth, occasionally some crappie, and I even caught a rock bass (or goggleye) this year. We have caught lake trout before up on Knife Lake too. I would not hesitate to take the kids, tons of stuff to do and see in ELY. . .Wolf center, bear center, lots of neat shops, and the Blueberry Festival is cool too. (it was last weekend when we came out of the wilderness, usually the same time every year).

I'd me more than happy to share any and all info I have on the area if anyone is interested, just let me know. Hope you all get a chance to go. . .you won't regret it.:)
Thanks for the info! I'll do some research, but I'm pretty sure I'll be in touch for more info!
I have been working on a plan to do an spot and stalk / predator calling bear hunt in the BWCA one of these next years. I think it would be pretty fun, closest thing to backcountry hunting you can do here in the midwest.
I have been working on a plan to do an spot and stalk / predator calling bear hunt in the BWCA one of these next years. I think it would be pretty fun, closest thing to backcountry hunting you can do here in the midwest.

That is true. Sounds fun, I always thought it would be neat to hunt up there but it is darn thick for sure. . .over around Lake One where the big fire was a couple years back is really looking good now! Did you get to hunt any wolves up there yet?? I would be all about some of that!!!
sounds good. . .and I believe I owe you a day or two in the field for some geese too!!:D
I would say "owe" is a pretty strong word...but I'm more than willing to go anytime you need an extra gun or retriever! :D Just wish I could set up a blind at the drainage pond across the street from my sons' daycare. Thing is filthy with geese every day...
I would say "owe" is a pretty strong word...but I'm more than willing to go anytime you need an extra gun or retriever! :D Just wish I could set up a blind at the drainage pond across the street from my sons' daycare. Thing is filthy with geese every day...

lol. I have the same problem here at work, a little pond right next to me. . .22 geese and a handful of ducks on it yesterday. The guys think I'm nuts when I go out and sit on the dock and listen to them "talk" and try all my calls out on them. I practice every chance I get!
That is true. Sounds fun, I always thought it would be neat to hunt up there but it is darn thick for sure. . .over around Lake One where the big fire was a couple years back is really looking good now! Did you get to hunt any wolves up there yet?? I would be all about some of that!!!

That was the area I was thinking about (Pogami Creek?). I applied last year, but didn't get drawn. I am applying again this year, and have my fingers crossed.

Did you see much bear sign where you were at?
That was the area I was thinking about (Pogami Creek?). I applied last year, but didn't get drawn. I am applying again this year, and have my fingers crossed.

Did you see much bear sign where you were at?

very little. I was sitting on the bank one day have a snack of fresh blueberries (that were coming on good everywhere) and did see a good size track and some "previously harvested" blueberries in a pile. I did see a couple of places where something was coming down to drink and had the weeds knocked down, but, didn't paddle over to inspect them. Let me know if you draw a tag this year! (cross my fingers for ya)
hey guys, got some pics of the 2012 and 2013 trip posted on my page. . . finally. . .check em out. RJ
it was a good time as always. My Dad is the guy in the white beard (64yrs old) holding the smallie. . .he's a camera hog. lol

Hey, on a side note. . I just read in The Ely Echo, that they are reducing the wolf permits this fall, 220 is this years quota down 180 from last years. That seems weird to me since they have the largest population of wolves in the lower 48. ???
Hey, on a side note. . I just read in The Ely Echo, that they are reducing the wolf permits this fall, 220 is this years quota down 180 from last years. That seems weird to me since they have the largest population of wolves in the lower 48. ???

IMO, they have never managed wolves in MN based on any form of science. It is all politics. My guess is they are trying to emphasize to all the non-hunters that it is about population control rather than sport hunting, even though I think we are still well over our target population for wolves. Just ask the moose.
IMO, they have never managed wolves in MN based on any form of science. It is all politics. My guess is they are trying to emphasize to all the non-hunters that it is about population control rather than sport hunting, even though I think we are still well over our target population for wolves. Just ask the moose.

couldn't agree more. I read where they are doing studies to find out where all the moose are going and aren't sure what the problem could be. . .really?. . .I think its simple. . .just ask our friends in Montana! In the last 8-10 years up there I've seen 20X the wolves as I have moose.
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