Bush's new wetlands plan!


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2002
Chugiak, AK
Bush vows to restore wetlands
Associated Press

WELLS, Maine - Taking advantage of Earth Day, President Bush tried to improve his environmental image and fend off attacks from Democrat John Kerry with a promise to restore or protect as much as 3 million acres of wetlands in the next five years.

Bush said after touring a Maine nature reserve with his mother that new government figures show that for the first time in the nation's history, the annual net loss of wetlands on farmland has been reversed. He said he wants to broaden those gains.

"Instead of just limiting our losses, we will expand the wetlands of America," Bush said after highlighting efforts to help wetlands at the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve. The 1,600 acres of salt marshes, beaches, forests and freshwater wetlands are located a few miles from the Bush family's compound at Kennebunkport.

"For many years our nation has been working to prevent the net loss of wetlands and there is a reason why. America's wetlands are the habitat for thousands of species of wildlife," Bush said.

"Good conservation and good stewardship will happen when people say, 'We're just not going to rely on the government to be the solution to the problem,' " he said.

Ed Hopkins, a spokesman for the Sierra Club, said that "this initiative pales in comparison with the damage the Bush administration is doing to wetlands" by not requiring more strenuous protections under the Clean Water Act.

In December, Bush abandoned a plan that could have further reduced wetlands protections by scaling back the law's coverage of isolated ponds and streams, many of them dry for part of the year.

Kerry, commemorating Earth Day in Houston, said Bush was "once again … playing the smoke-and-mirrors game" by talking about wetlands conservation. "For the last 3½ years this administration, this president, had a proposal that would have lost us 20 million acres of wetlands," he said.

Bush's Earth Day speech

The Bush administration made it a goal to meet the "no-net-loss" goal of wetlands among each of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' 38 U.S. districts - formed by watersheds and not state boundaries - rather than acre-for-acre, said Benjamin Grumbles, acting head of EPA's Office of Water.

That shift is based on trying to emphasize the function and quality of wetlands, rather than simply their size. "On a district-by-district basis, they're to achieve a no-net-loss goal," Grumbles said. But, he added, "The goal here is an overall increase in quantity and quality."

Before Bush spoke, he and his mother, Barbara, strode down a remote path covered in wood chips. Except for a train whistle, the only noises were the murmurs of water and his entourage.

He grabbed his mother's hand to lead her onto a walkway, then chatted with some of the reserve's staff. They dipped a net into a bucket and inspected fish as part of a water-quality test at the salt marsh, leading to the Atlantic Ocean.

The government has estimated that there are more than 250 million acres of wetlands in the United States, more than half of those in Alaska. It has said that the annual net loss of wetlands has dropped to less than 58,000 acres, down from more than 100,000 acres lost yearly until recently.

Bush is calling for six federal agencies that oversee natural resources to restore and create at least 1 million acres of wetlands, improve 1 million acres and protect 1 million acres over the next five years.

He says the goal can be met through his 2005 budget request of Congress for $4.4 billion in conservation programs, including $349 million for two wetlands programs.

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I'm sure this won't be good enough for some around here, but its a start!
Hmm, I didn't see any quotes from Georgie in there explaining why he's went from wanting to reduce protections on 20 million acres of wetlands 5 months ago to wanting to create 1 million acres of new wetlands now. Did really have a fundamental change in his beliefs in that short span??? Is this what some of you would call a flip-flop?
November 7, 2003
WASHINGTON — Bush administration officials have drafted a rule that would significantly narrow the scope of the Clean Water Act, stripping many wetlands and streams of federal pollution controls and making them available to being filled for commercial development.
The rule, spelled out in an internal document provided to the Los Angeles Times by a senior government official, says that Clean Water Act protection no longer would be provided to "ephemeral washes or streams" that do not have groundwater as a source.

Streams that flow for less than six months a year also would lose protection, as would many wetlands, according to the document.

State and federal officials have estimated that up to 20 million acres of wetlands, 20 percent of the wetlands outside of Alaska, could lose protections under a new rule such as the one in the draft. The effect would be greater in California and other parts of the arid West, where many streams flow only seasonally or after rain or snow melts.

Does it really matter if it is brought about? :rolleyes:
Does it really matter if it is brought about?
Nope, doesn't really matter IF it happens. That's a pretty big "if", though. It's not going to happen by Nov. 2, and I have a funny feeling that by next Thanksgiving his priorities will change. But hey, who knows....maybe he's seen the light. :rolleyes:

Maybe all the flack he got from hunting groups got his attnetion...
I'm sure you're exactly right. I suspect this is just damage control. The money hasn't been appropriated yet.

The other thing to point out is that wetlands protection is not dubyas new idea. Hunters have been protecting wetlands ever since the first duck stamp was issued.

All he had to do was not screw anything up and keep the program intact. That isnt creating anything new.
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