Caribou Gear Tarp

Bundy stuff

I wonder if the hospital that treated his poor little nephew for naegleria fowleri was concerned about a repeat of the St. Luke's incident?
My Tuesday morning qb session take:

"In court, doctors presented redacted health information on the child, showing that he was below the weight he should have been and even lost weight between two hospital admissions. The child’s parents did not take him to a follow up appointment in March 2022, prompting the child’s primary care provider unaffiliated with the hospital to contact the state health department, which triggered a search by law enforcement, legal filings say."

without knowing every single shred of evidence, and as having the experience of when we had baby #1 who came out at 9#, but plateaued from 90th percentile to the 10th over the course of 2-3 months, and eating 20 oz in one day would be like winning thr lottery, and as having her first doctor who was wet behind the ears accuse us of much the same as the parents in the root of this case, attempted to do much of the same as the doctor in question, I do not blame the actions of the parent or anyone willing to help them, at this point.

You take a baby from a family, for any reason, or even hint at the possibility or threat of, you better 100% back it up and 100% be prepared for any repercussions. White coat or badge or cps.

For what it matters, the doctor who made the claim against my wife and myself overstepped, was out of his league and is no longer practicing. Something about liability and insurance and guarantees.

My $0.03- someone's lying, and someone's swung hard like a pendulum and both dug their feet into the mud.

Reminder: they handed over the baby "that would certainly die" from being severely malnourished and placed into cps, the next week. That's a Mae culpa on the hospital and cps if I've ever read between the lines.
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My Tuesday morning qb session take:

"In court, doctors presented redacted health information on the child, showing that he was below the weight he should have been and even lost weight between two hospital admissions. The child’s parents did not take him to a follow up appointment in March 2022, prompting the child’s primary care provider unaffiliated with the hospital to contact the state health department, which triggered a search by law enforcement, legal filings say."

without knowing every single shred of evidence, and as having the experience of when we had baby #1 who came out at 9#, but plateaued from 90th percentile to the 10th over the course of 2-3 months, and eating 20 oz in one day would be like winning thr lottery, and as having her first doctor who was wet behind the ears accuse us of much the same as the parents in the root of this case, attempted to do much of the same as the doctor in question, I do not blame the actions of the parent or anyone willing to help them, at this point.

You take a baby from a family, for any reason, or even hint at the possibility or threat of, you better 100% back it up and 100% be prepared for any repercussions. White coat or badge or cps.

For what it matters, the doctor who made the claim against my wife and myself overstepped, was out of his league and is no longer practicing. Something about liability and insurance and guarantees.

My $0.03- someone's lying, and someone's swung hard like a pendulum and both dug their feet into the mud.

Reminder: they handed over the baby "that would certainly die" from being severely malnourished and placed into cps, the next week. That's a Mae culpa on the hospital and cps if I've ever read between the lines.
I don't need to read between the lines, I just need to read the line "convicted by a jury of their peers."

Full stop.
I don't need to read between the lines, I just need to read the line "convicted by a jury of their peers."

Full stop.
And OJ was innocent.

What's your point? They abdicated their defense, at that point, what jury wouldn't convict? Please, tell me.

Edit- I'm going to ask, are you upset at all at the root of why bundy was there, or the reason bundy said he was there, regardless of why we think he was actually there..?
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I know Bundy was already working to hide his assets in anticipation of this. Hopefully they can claw them out of him
I’m sure they’re working on an email blast to their supporters asking for financial help to pay the judgement, aka as give him money to continue being a do nothing grifter. Maybe his daddy can sell some trespass cows to help pay
My Tuesday morning qb session take:

"In court, doctors presented redacted health information on the child, showing that he was below the weight he should have been and even lost weight between two hospital admissions. The child’s parents did not take him to a follow up appointment in March 2022, prompting the child’s primary care provider unaffiliated with the hospital to contact the state health department, which triggered a search by law enforcement, legal filings say."

without knowing every single shred of evidence, and as having the experience of when we had baby #1 who came out at 9#, but plateaued from 90th percentile to the 10th over the course of 2-3 months, and eating 20 oz in one day would be like winning thr lottery, and as having her first doctor who was wet behind the ears accuse us of much the same as the parents in the root of this case, attempted to do much of the same as the doctor in question, I do not blame the actions of the parent or anyone willing to help them, at this point.

You take a baby from a family, for any reason, or even hint at the possibility or threat of, you better 100% back it up and 100% be prepared for any repercussions. White coat or badge or cps.

For what it matters, the doctor who made the claim against my wife and myself overstepped, was out of his league and is no longer practicing. Something about liability and insurance and guarantees.

My $0.03- someone's lying, and someone's swung hard like a pendulum and both dug their feet into the mud.

Reminder: they handed over the baby "that would certainly die" from being severely malnourished and placed into cps, the next week. That's a Mae culpa on the hospital and cps if I've ever read between the lines.
Did you also have a family ranch stop paying your grazing leases and to this day still illegally run cows on the adjacent federal lands? How about take over a federal building? Context matters
And OJ was innocent.

What's your point? They abdicated their defense, at that point, what jury wouldn't convict? Please, tell me.

Edit- I'm going to ask, are you upset at all at the root of why bundy was there, or the reason bundy said he was there, regardless of why we think he was actually there..?

Trial wasn’t about why he was there.
Trial was about his actions when he was there and the damages he caused.
His means can’t justify his damages regardless of his justifications. The parents had a legal recourse and elected to use an unlawful route. He now gets to pay the price.
And OJ was innocent.

What's your point? They abdicated their defense, at that point, what jury wouldn't convict? Please, tell me.

Edit- I'm going to ask, are you upset at all at the root of why bundy was there, or the reason bundy said he was there, regardless of why we think he was actually there..?
OJ was tried in front of a jury of his peers, as is legal standing of this society, and found not guilty.

Bundy abdicated his defense, because he had none, and was CONVICTED BY A JURY OF HIS PEERS.

The "why" is he's a piece of shit grifting carpet bagger looking to capitalize and profit from creating drama any and every chance he gets. But the why of it has no bearing on a legal case, he was still convicted by a jury of his peers, which is the legal way we handle stuff in this country. Don't like that? Then choose to not live in, or use the services of this society. Go live in Somalia, I hear anarchy is the rule of law over there.
Trial wasn’t about why he was there.
Trial was about his actions when he was there and the damages he caused.
His means can’t justify his damages regardless of his justifications. The parents had a legal recourse and elected to use an unlawful route. He now gets to pay the price.
And I'm not disagreeing with that or that bundy is a clown.

I agree as well relative to your statement on the parents BUT having gone through a similar situation, you try to take my child, you insinuating that you will, or stating if I don't do as you say I should you'll involve outside resources, you're damn right I'll take ANY and ALL means of recourse against you.

I was vindicated, he no longer practices and no one ever removed my baby from me though there were attempts. It seems the parents/ gparents had the similar fate. I'd stand side by side for most anyone in that situation

Did you also have a family ranch stop paying your grazing leases and to this day still illegally run cows on the adjacent federal lands? How about take over a federal building? Context matters
Exactly on context He's a clown. But the institutions are clowns as well. Would I have wanted him at my side, knowing he'd make it about himself, no.

Would I do anything to keep my child, yes.

OJ was tried in front of a jury of his peers, as is legal standing of this society, and found not guilty.

Bundy abdicated his defense, because he had none, and was CONVICTED BY A JURY OF HIS PEERS.

The "why" is he's a piece of shit grifting carpet bagger looking to capitalize and profit from creating drama any and every chance he gets. But the why of it has no bearing on a legal case, he was still convicted by a jury of his peers, which is the legal way we handle stuff in this country. Don't like that? Then choose to not live in, or use the services of this society. Go live in Somalia, I hear anarchy is the rule of law over there.
We should do away with appeals. Right? Jury convicts, done deal, no appeals ever.

The rest of your garbage is just that. The system is designed to accommodate new and old theories and practices, and designed to be bucked, drafted purposefully to not work, avenues to rectify, adapt and amend. It's been perverted to what it is present day. What due course of innocence first was there after a phone call was made and a child yanked? What jury convicted the parents or grandparents of a crime or reason to take the child?-ill wait for your responses on this one.

You think if it was lonely ol diego rodriguez , the baby would've been returned in a week for "severe malnutrition", or do you think the pressure the hospital and co faced created an environment for the child to be released?

Because here's the deal. Lots of ifs as we do not know every little detail. You don't. I don't. Someone might, but they probably aren't here posting. And we aren't going to go into "oh so pedophile parents should keep kids" or other dumb all encompassing crap.

"Severe malnutrition" and involving authorities to take your child is not a light step to take. Even more so the return of the child in 1 week if they are "severely malnourished and facing death".

Put simply- you fall of a ladder, Crack vertebrae, you don't return healthy in 1 week like nothing ever happened.

There's shit across the board on this one. Too much to figure out what percent is horseshit, pigshit and cowshit. It's all shit, just different animals and different smells and different shapes.

In long, bundy is a clown, but he's doing him and agree or not with his principles/logic/whatever, he's the man in the arena while many sit by with authority bias.
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He’s a clown that now owes a lot of money.
Unfortunately it won't be paid, someone will try to seize their assessed/property, they'll make a big stink, get their sympathizers riled up, and another standoff situation will ensue which will only increase his following. I wish there was a way to get rid of this clan of grifters
Unfortunately it won't be paid, someone will try to seize their assessed/property, they'll make a big stink, get their sympathizers riled up, and another standoff situation will ensue which will only increase his following. I wish there was a way to get rid of this clan of grifters
Bundy moved his assets to a variety of LLCs trying to hide them. I doubt anything will be paid without a massive amount of time in court. Although Bundy doesn’t believe in defending himself so attorney fees should be minimal.

However collecting will be difficult. The local county sheriff is afraid of Bundy enough not to act on an active arrest warrant for him.
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