Brutal coyote pics


Aug 24, 2008
wright city,ok
Don't know if you guys have seen these pics but they are sure to get your blood boiling and make you go out and kill them all.


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I guess I don't understand the reasoning that we (humans) have rights to all the game, and other preds like coyotes wolves, and lions, don't have a right to eat, and do what they do.

I be surprised if that deer was wounded by a human hunter before the coyotes got him., That wound on his hind end looked like other type of trauma.
Let me add the last pic to this sequence, looks like they only ate a small portion left the rest to waste. As for the wounds on his hind end, to me that is where they were biteing him while they were running him down, just thought you guys would like to see the cool pics, didn't know PETA was gonna post a reply!


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I saw these in my email box a few months ago they are neat pics to say the least, i love hunting deer and also coyotes but i gotta agree we really dont have a right to hate them for just trying to survive
lol.... come on man hes in velvet not a whole lot of "human hunters" prowling the woods the 2nd of aug. if he was injured by hunter a year before I dont think he would look that healthy. And yes i do think we bend over backward to protect too many predators for the tree huggers to oogle over, When we as hunters are paying the majority of the funds to even have healthy critter populations for the predators to munch on.
Don't hate the wylie coyote, they are very intelligent animals as anyone would know who has ever tried to hunt are trap these predators, they are not the easiest of animals to take. I love to turn on the call and have one of these bad boys come running in, or to have bouncing around with his foot in one of my #2 bridgers. They give me the opportunity to be in the great outdoors when deer season has ended and there is not much going on. I love to hunt and fish and any opportuninty I have to be out there I take it.
Never been called PETA before, Kinda funny. Many of my fellow man, amaze me on how entitled we are and deserving of everything on this planet and that other animals that we compete with should all die. We have the power to over see most things, just not play God. As far as some sort of PETA Lover, I'm headed out to love some coyotes by moonlight tonight. Might even have a candlelight vigil if I'm lucky.
Appreciate the great pics. It is actually really cool to catch those photos. I would have to agree that the buck was previously injured. Coyotes are just doing what they do, no reason to hate them for it. Its fun to hunt to dogs as well, that is how they survive. Predator vs Prey. Thanks for sharing the pics though.
I guess I don't understand the reasoning that we (humans) have rights to all the game, and other preds like coyotes wolves, and lions, don't have a right to eat, and do what they do.

I be surprised if that deer was wounded by a human hunter before the coyotes got him., That wound on his hind end looked like other type of trauma.

I agree--it's just part of the cycle of life. Predators are fittingly named. I don't begrudge them their spot in the food chain. That said, I don't live in wolf country. I don't hunt bear or lions and probably never will--they just aren't suitable game for me (don't care about everyone else) but I won't hesitate to nail a coyote under most circumstances. These pics do nothing to support or erode my own policy. To each his own. And that includes coyotes.
I love to hunt as much as the next guy. However, I enjoy seeing coyotes and yes, even wolves, when I'm out hunting. Am I going to shoot a coyote or wolf? No. Do I care if you do? No. The folks who want to "go out and kill them all" are as much to blame for all the crap hunters have to put up with as the people in Idaho having the candlelight vigil. At little common sense and appreciation for how other people view the world would make wildlife management much easier for everyone.

P.S. - I especially like your comment on the deer going to "waste" when there are two buzzards standing on the deer in the picture.
Cool pictures, but I find it hard to believe coyotes will attack a healthy deer with antlers that big. I believe there was something wrong with the deer that allowed the yotes to take advantage of.
The best part of this thread is that some people get all emotional over the ecosystem thing and think they have to be all correcting to someone who doesn't see things their way. Otherwise I'm with dink on this one. Snore.
:hump::hump:You guys ain't seen nothing. I got an email of a mule killing a mountain lion:hump::hump:
I love to hunt as much as the next guy. However, I enjoy seeing coyotes and yes, even wolves, when I'm out hunting. Am I going to shoot a coyote or wolf? No. Do I care if you do? No. The folks who want to "go out and kill them all" are as much to blame for all the crap hunters have to put up with as the people in Idaho having the candlelight vigil. At little common sense and appreciation for how other people view the world would make wildlife management much easier for everyone.

P.S. - I especially like your comment on the deer going to "waste" when there are two buzzards standing on the deer in the picture.
I can see how someone would feel that way BUT when your favorite hunt area has almost all of its deer and elk tags cut because of wolves killing most of the calves/fawns and the only thing you can get a tag for is predators in the area you might be whistling a different tune. I do not want to kill all of them but if I take elk and deer out of the area I think I need to shoot a predator once in a while. I will call the f&g bio and ask where the coyotes are having a significant impact on deer and go call a few to my gun. I think it's all about balance.
I can see how someone would feel that way BUT when your favorite hunt area has almost all of its deer and elk tags cut because of wolves killing most of the calves/fawns and the only thing you can get a tag for is predators in the area you might be whistling a different tune. I do not want to kill all of them but if I take elk and deer out of the area I think I need to shoot a predator once in a while. I will call the f&g bio and ask where the coyotes are having a significant impact on deer and go call a few to my gun. I think it's all about balance.

I agree....
In my areas there where more coyote tracks then deer tracks. I am pretty sure a couple of coyotes can take down a healthy deer. They can run forever and deer can not. Eventually the deer gets tired and the coyotes can start in on them. Just as the photos show. It just happens that the end was by a trail cam. I am sure it happens all the time. I have seen in snow where both coyotes and where wolves have made a deer kill. The spots are easy to find in the snow. Red everywhere. That is nature.

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