Blogs..... Hey Del !!


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Del, I wanted to start my Bloggs and went to the Members page and couldn't getit started. I'm guessing cuz I'm retarded, but could you post how to set one up ? I had a Papa Moose one but never did it. I thought to keep my trip logs it would be a good place for that ?

Please let me know how to work it :D
Progress because I'm moving up from being an Idiot ? Or admitting it in public ?

Quit using big words like the Middle one you used. That looks like a Cold Symptom or a Chineese shoe pollish or something.
sorry been busy,

I will look into it, they are putting me on a dedicated server this week.

your actually going to start one oscar? Is this the guy that just had to have one Immed LOL, just giving you shit....

My daughter is working on the board colors and stuff to get it finished you will like it.