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Black Rain Gear?


Active member
Nov 18, 2015
Central Texas
I've seen a decent amount of stuff posted about rain gear, but it normally doesn't discuss colors or patterns. All of my waterproof/goretex stuff that I have in camo is more suited for cooler/cold weather. However, I'm about to go on a scouting trip for mule deer next week in Utah where it will be at least in the high 80s. The only warmer weather rain gear I have is all black. Great packable Columbia gear, just all black. Will that be an issue? Do I need to get something more earth tones or camo, or will a big black blob be unsuspecting? :p Thanks in advance for any advice!
I've call in elk to 10 yards while sitting in short sage and shot plenty of elk and deer with a bow all while wearing jeans and a t shirt. You should be fine. I Have recently been wearing camo and am getting more but it's bec I finall see the benefits of more technical clothing
You'll be fine. I use black rain pants in early season. Have had plenty of elk close.
I remember reading a study years ago which suggested shades of pink are in the middle of the spectrum of what deer/elk readily see....but not much of a solid marketing color for the likes of the hunting crowd.
You'll be fine. Even with the monsoon season approaching, UT is the second driest state in the nation. Most rain storms are all that long or impressive for the amount of water they drop. Some are quite the light show though... :D
Thanks for the feedback. I knew an old man who used to deer hunt in an old yellow rain slicker, and he killed a deer every year. That was in east Texas, but I guess black won't matter too much in the mountains either. Hopefully I won't need it too much anyways.
I think ungulates see movement much better than colors. I do think camo helps a small amount if you're stalking on the ground at close range, but otherwise I don't think it's needed. I've killed a number of animals inside 30 yards while wearing jeans and a tshirt, some while wearing shorts.

My gear for sheep hunting is all black. Killed a number of them while wearing it. Sheep supposedly have really good eyesight, they can see movement from a lot farther than some animals, but I've never sweated the color of my kit. i also don't think they can really see any better or worse than an elk or muledeer. The only camo thing I own anymore is an old fleece hat, which I can't find a similar replacement for, or I'd not have any.

Camo required for hunting is wayyyyy more marketing than necessity, IMO.