anyone ever seen a solid jet black coyote???? i saw one for the first time this weekend in kentucky, i wished i had a .243 he was neat lookin, would have made a beautiful mount!
I have seen two, but only in pictures. They were both killed near Evansville IN and I saw them in the paper. Melanism, being black, is more rare in coyotes than albinism.
wow, i would have never thought they would be that rare! it was the first time ive ever seen one, i saw it on two different days in the same place, the first day i thought at first it was a dog, until i got a real good look and the next day there were two coyotes one was normal colored and the all black one.The really cool thing is i got him on video for a few seconds!
DKO, thats sounds really cool to see. It is amazing what we see when we are out in the wilds. I am glad you had the opportunity to see it and video it. Maybe one of these days I wil be a lucky one to see a black one too.