Bipartisan Sportsman's Act


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2015
I have stumbled upon a couple of articles today, mostly from PO'd animal rights groups about the bipartisan sportsman's act and amendments. There isn't much non-subjective news about it.

From what I have read the Senate committee of environment and public works passed the amendments to:

1- Senate Moved to De-list Wolves from Wyoming, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan

2- Preventing a rule that would prohibit controls measures such as baiting and trapping for Alaska Brown Bears and Wolves in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuges.

3- Lead ammunition amendment turned down.

4- Importation of Polar Bear Trophy's allowed.

Does anyone have anymore information on this?
I often write Senator Crapo about public land issues and that has got me put on his 2nd amendment spam list. Anyway, I got an email blast earlier in the week that he defeated the forces of darkness that were combining to disallow guns on certain federal lands as part of this bill. That's about all I know on the subject.
With a couple of those amendments, I don't know that it can get to cloture. The far left will come unglued over 1 & 2.

The Wolf delisting isn't bad, IMO even if WY gets a "get out of jail free" card for their grandstanding on the wolf management plan.

Preventing Wildlife Refuges from managing their lands for wildlife is ridiculous, and is because of Alaska's aggressive predator control on grizz, wolves & black bears. It's bad policy.

The TOSCA amendment should have been in there. It only says, in concurrence with the courts and the last 2 administrations, that lead in fishing & hunting is regulated by the USFWS, not the EPA.

Importing a handful of legally harvested polar bears has been a top priority of the Safari Club for a long time. Kinda shows where their leadership is at, IMO.