Caribou Gear

Bighorns in the office (pic)


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
After a couple of good weeks of hunting, it was back to the office. Two days behind the computer was enough, so I hit the field today.

I happened to see some young rams so I attempted to get a little closer and check out the area.

Well the wind didn't cooperate, so I didn't get very good video. I was able to get a few shots as they ran off and thought I would share one.

Really like the camcorder. The video has been working great. I am surprised how well some of the stills turn out, although some shots turn out darker than I had hoped.
Yet another awesome picture from mtmiller. Just so you know, even though I have no idea what you do, I want your job! I'm very envious to say the least.

As Ovis asked, what camera are you using. Our camcorder is on its last legs and with a new baby we need to replace it but I want to get one that can do the kind of stuff you are doing as well as taking video of the kids.
The camera is a Sony TRV-22. It was best for my budget, but the TRV-33 might take better stills. As Moosie recommended to me, check out some cameras and then see what is available at Ebay.

It does well on batteries and I get about 50 pictures (stills) or a minute of video on the memory stick (I can get larger sticks if needed). The regular tapes hold 60-90 minutes and though the quality is marginal, stills can be pulled from the tape. The tape video quality on the other hand has worked great.

Bwana-I work for you
, I mean the BLM.