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Benefits of applying as a "party" in Wyoming?


Active member
Jun 23, 2016
There is a chance that I may have to change all my hunting plans for this fall and only have a brief shot at hunting Pronghorn in WY.

If that becomes the case I may have to tag along with a local friend of mine. He and I each have a single point in WY.

Are there benefits to applying as a "party" over applying as an individual?

Thanks! I feel kind of dumb now, because after I posted this I went on their website and I think I got it all figured out now.

There should be a "delete" button for dumb threads :p
One advantage is WY averages points so if Person 1 has 8 points and another has 4 points then you go into the preference point bucket with 6 points. In CO you go in at 4 points as a group in that scenario.

Next, while is true you both either get drawn or do not, WY will award you each tags if drawn even if only 1 tag remains. In most states you would not get even 1 tag in that scenario.

The quirks of the various state rules and regs do keep things interesting. Good luck on your draws.
I looked at the wgfd site and also searched here but couldn't find the answer. Is it possible to apply for Type 1 tags in different units as individuals and then go back in and apply for Type 6 tags as a party in one of our units?
I looked at the wgfd site and also searched here but couldn't find the answer. Is it possible to apply for Type 1 tags in different units as individuals and then go back in and apply for Type 6 tags as a party in one of our units?

Thanks...Looks like we are filling out individual apps for everything.
One disadvantage of applying as a group is that you both have to get the same type of permit; meaning both must submit for "any antelope" or both submit for does, etc.
I looked at the wgfd site and also searched here but couldn't find the answer. Is it possible to apply for Type 1 tags in different units as individuals and then go back in and apply for Type 6 tags as a party in one of our units?

Actually, it is possible. The Type-1 (full price) draw is separate from the Type-6 (reduced price) draw. You could apply separately in the full price draw, then apply as a party in the reduced price draw.
Interesting. I have a group of 5 and we want to go for Antelope. If we apply for a group we either all get tags, or we all do not get tags? That is a crappy system. I guess we will all apply separately as we had originally planned.
If we apply for a group we either all get tags, or we all do not get tags? That is a crappy system.

That's the entire point of applying as a party. Not sure how that's crappy, unless you were just hoping it was making it easier to fill out 5 apps with the same hunt codes.
I looked at the wgfd site and also searched here but couldn't find the answer. Is it possible to apply for Type 1 tags in different units as individuals and then go back in and apply for Type 6 tags as a party in one of our units?

I have no idea why Big Fin answered your question with a NO, because in Wyoming it is definitely legal to do that since the doe draw is completely separate from the either sex (buck) draw.
Maybe it is possible then. Now that I think about it I'm not sure if I want to do as a party. There won't be a check box to not be entered in the doe draw if we don't draw our Type 1 tags.
I have no idea why Big Fin answered your question with a NO, because in Wyoming it is definitely legal to do that since the doe draw is completely separate from the either sex (buck) draw.

Because Fin was confused, thinking it was Type 1 and Type 2 in his question. I stand corrected.
Interesting. I have a group of 5 and we want to go for Antelope. If we apply for a group we either all get tags, or we all do not get tags? That is a crappy system. I guess we will all apply separately as we had originally planned.
I have nine points and my son has 5. It's a wonderful system in that it gives both of us 7 points.
You're right.. I'm on a party app for does right now.

I'm sorry for the confusion. I thought you couldn't do that - not sure why I thought that. I checked the Application 101 and called Game & Fish and it is possible, obviously since you are doing it.
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