Been doing a little Antelope Scouting

Thanks Delw. We've got a couple bucks in 10 and 7 that we need to get point blank on - if they don't turn out then we might head up to 13. I'm thinking our Batman buck is gonna be the shooter. Fingers crossed. Last year he was 90 and I think he's bigger this year, but he's a pain to locate.

you know where I am talking about dont you, for unit 13?

Also dont forget the buck in unit 8 over by ashfork. (right next to town before the I-40 turn off)this year if he grew much bigger he should be in the high 80s low 90s.

We saw him last year while scouting elk and I think terry got a glimps of him last year as well. he likes to hang out in the junipers so shots are going to be a little tough.

There are also a few nice ones across the freeway to the west on that big flat but the are all high 70-low 80 bucks.

I know exactly where you're talking about in 13. Learned those units well when we were hunting the World Record. ;)

We're heading out tomorrow to pin down all 7 of our big boys. It might take us awhile, but hopefully I'll have some great pics for everyone when we return.
I am hoping to get my tranny fixed this week, then I am going to grab the kids and maybe dads quad and head up to unit 9..... I might just take a long weekend and head up to 13 I kinda want to see this buck, maybe grab some sheds up there as well.

Make sure you post some pics eli...

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