bear rifles????

Short definition: Flipper. Your welcome in advance:D

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-27-2002 18:21: Message edited by: Big Sky ]</font>
BIG SKY your not playin nice....

ok being as I have offended one person, please let me explain what I have been sayin bout mag guns.

And I will add I have first hand knowledge of this, there is a person who is here in our huntin circle that started huntin with a 30-06, whitetail deer, he couldn't and still can't hit the broad side of a barn from the inside. He decided he needed a 7mag, maybe when I shoot them now they will fall down and die, then he buys a 300 mag, now this past year he bought a 338 mag.

Now with that short story out of the way, that is why I always wonder why there are debates on whether or not you have enough gun to kill. As you have stated even a .22 rimfire will kill. I realize some of you *enjoy* still
:confused: on this,but like I said thats just me, shooting the BIG gun and there is nothing wrong with your choice.

I personally use a 270 and it has killed 68 whitetail, black bear, coyote, groudhogs and will use it to kill my first elk and caribou.

See Oscar me don't stir the doo-doo :D
try my .300 mag and you will never shoot a .270 again a .270 is about the only caliber i will never own have never liked them since the first one i shot. and yes i did own one for a short bit
man twolf i dont think ive ever heard anyone say they would ever own a .270.of course everyone has there own likes and dislikes but i have personally seen more one shot deer fall in his tracks with a 270 than any other rifle.I love my 300 but i grab a 270 before anything when it comes to whitetails.please tell me why you feel this way, not so i can beat you up over it but because i really want to know.i wont have another 30-06 but that is because i think it is capable of almost anything but not the best for anything and if i buy one that will end my rifle buying as my wife knows if i could only own ONE rifle thats what it would be, ive owned 5 270`s and i think i want something different and keep going back
I one day, would like to have a fifty caliber, Maybe not for hunting, but for shooting long distance. That would be just way to cool. A bullet that will go a mile and still go thru a vehicle. Or what not..... :D :D :D
I still would prefer my little stick shooter, just because the adrenilen rush is a lot better.... :D :D :D
Flipper good to see you didn't take that too personal. I just couldn't resist the obvious reply. I do think you are a little mixed up though. The person you describe is the one with the problem not the rifle's he unwisely chooses. I just picked up a new rifle about an hour ago. My son will be old enough to hunt deer this year for the first time. So did I pick up a 7mmMag, 300WinMag or a 375 H+H for him? Nope just a beautiful little 7mm08 Remington Mt. Rifle SS with a laminated stock. I'm half hoping he doesn't like the gun as I'm thinking it's love at first sight for me. Somehow I imagine he will like it fine though.
It seems like I remember Fred Bear killed an elephant with one shot with an 80 lb recurve. I doubt anybody has done it with a 22 rimfire. I could find the info. on the recurve elephant maybe, its probably in a book I read that is still at home.

Doesn't it go like this? The manufacturers think of something bigger and faster and make it. Some hunting buddy decides to buy one. Then he can outshoot you, so you buy one. Then everyone buys one. Then the manufacturer has to think of something bigger and faster. This keeps up until people decide they want to hunt with a recurve or something like that.

I got a longbow that is awesome but the long shots are fun too. I haven't done much with my recurve. Maybe I'll go after some rabbits with it to start hunting with it this summer.
All this talk about Bear calibers and not one mention about the 222 Remington and Roy Weatherby. He was embarrassed by an old eskimo with a Savage in 222. Ain't you boys go no book larnin?

Tom you are correct, I saw a video of Fred Bear shootin that elephant.

I have also saw a video of Ben Pearson killing a polar bear at 80 yards with a recurve, a very large polar bear, a record that still stands to this day. ;)
Guess I'll change my evil ways and shoot a bow when wild elephants start running around North America, and Montana women don't count;)
hey tnctcb i had a bad experience with dads many times thats one reason i don't like the .270. the other is i mostly use my rifle to elk hunt and the .300 is a good choice plus its all i got. all my deer hunting is done with the bow and shotgun around home no rifle hunting alowed here
The ideal bear rifle is the .45-70 that I'm taking to Maine next fall. :D My backup will be a .270 with 150 grainers (hope you can stand it TWolf). But I guess a .300 Win Mag would work OK.... ;)
You're the man, TWolf. I'll be the sissy leaving nothing but a vapor trail while you get chomped for pricking one of Moosie's 400-pound Poohs with a stick. ;) :D
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