Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Bear Mount Photos


New member
Mar 17, 2002
This was my first and only bear with a bow. The bear was 236#'s and according to the guy that did the work for me his skull was just under 19".It took 16 months to get him back. He will look alot better once I get the den finished in the basement.





(Edited By Moosie)
I have been away from my office for the past few days, so I did'nt get to thank Moosie for posting the photos for me. Thanks alot Moosie for the help. I have talked to some of our computer people here at the office and will be able to post other photos without having to bug you again.

Nice mount! now get going on that den!! I noticed you hung stuff on the wall before you finished the drywall

I just finished my den this xmas, well its not a den but an all out party bar/game room!. Bad thing is i hung so many beer signs that i dont have much wall space for a mount
need to make some room for a fish or two i think.
I got him about 30 miles south of Duluth, Mn. I work with a guy that has 160 ac. that is bear heaven. We run two bait stations (which is a little tight) and pay a young fella to keep the stations set up for us. I really fell in love with hunting them and it's only been two years. There is somthing about a bear looking at you straight in the eyes, it can give you a cold chill in a hurry.

I don't make it a habit to look them in the eyes, but when they have their front paws on the base of you tree and are looking at you from about 10 feet you will make some eye contact.

My first year I had a sow put her front paws on the steps of my ladder stand and "pop" her jaws a few times at me. We made some serious eye contact that evening. She was at least 1/3 bigger than the boar I had mounted.