Be The Decoy?


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2009
Not Virginia anymore!
I've heard a lot of success stories about this approach, but I wonder how smart this is. I realize there's a disclaimer stating to only use it during bow season, but it still doesn't seem like the brightest thing to be doing. It only takes one rancher or redneck to decide to do some long distance poaching for someone to get their head blown off or some ahole wearing it during rifle season. I realize it's their head, so maybe I shouldn't be too concerned. What's next? Deer or elk hats? Then you'll have a bunch of idiots running through thick timber with these things on. I grew up being told to make sure to make it blatantly obvious that any animal I shot and was dragging out of the woods was dead and I was carrying it. Now we're dressing up like them. Just doesn't seem too smart.
Not much different holding an antelope decoy...or elk decoy. I think you are a little too over the top worried.
OK. I lied. I forgot sitting behind a turkey decoy without any orange, which may or may not be more dangerous than this hat. Either way, still don't think it's a good idea.
I have used mine over the last week, and I would tell you that I was more worried by getting bit by a snake than being shot. The one thing you notice when using it, especially when your watching a hunting buddy use it from a distance, you can tell with out a doubt it's not a real antelope. The shape, color, everything. The hat is ment to fool the antelope, I don't think based on using it, that it will fool a human.

The hat works! I can't tell you how much fun and frustrated I have been using it this week. The antelope are curious, but no means dumb. The hat has given me more chances, by keeping the antelope from spooking to quickly. You almost start laughing because they walk right to you.

This is just another tool to have. A decoy will not work on all bucks or does. It has to be the right one. They may not all be ready to fight, or check out another antelope at the time of the hunt. All I can say is, keep trying different tactics. Coverage, or no coverage, it works.





Going to try it out again this afternoon.
I honestly believe it I were to put a cardboard box left over from my 12 pack of beer or soda the night before I would attract just as many lopes....and it would not cost me anything that I did not already spend :)

Because I don't live close enough to lopes I cannot try this out...any volunteers? hahahaha...
First, I think Mthunter needs to disclose any vested interest he may have in the company before jumping into the argument. I'm pretty sure I saw that top picture, which I'm assuming is you, in town with a Be The Decoy tag on it. I think you may be a little unbiased.

Second, the argument isn't about whether it works or not. I'm sure it does in some cases, but I don't have a clue. I haven't used it and I'm not that experienced of an antelope hunter to know whether it does or does not work. Even if most sober, respectable hunters readily recognize that it's a person wearing the hat and not an antelope, there's still plenty of idiots out there who wouldn't think twice about pulling the trigger on something wandering around with horns 500 yards away. I haven't seen too many people that look like deer or turkey, but inevitably there are hunters who get shot every year not wearing a fake animal on their head.

I'm not saying that I expect to see significant Be The Decoy related deaths this year, but I do believe someone will eventually get a bullet in their earhole because of it.
I see what ur sayin and agree 100% but im not sure if anyone is quite dumb enough to wear this durring rifle season. But I have been wrong before. haha
I think its pretty tough to beat the ol Moo Cow decoy:) That old heffer fools all sorts of animals:) Big Fin had pretty good luck with it from the footage i saw in the past.

So sitting behind the decoy is safer then wearing a hat decoy? I do believe there are risks involved when using any decoys. A very very small risk at that and not a big enough one to be scared of getting shot using one. Just use as much caution as you can and go kill yourself an animal.

P.S. I don't have anything to do with bethedecoy so my opinion is not biased.
Simple solution is if you are worried about it don't use a decoy. If somebody else wants to risk it and use a decoy and gets killed it was their choice not yours. You cannot protect people from themselves.

In 19A many years ago one of our hunters was shot at by an anti hunter driving by. Had he been wearing that antelope hat the "anti" probably would have just driven right on by.
First, I think Mthunter needs to disclose any vested interest he may have in the company before jumping into the argument. I'm pretty sure I saw that top picture, which I'm assuming is you, in town with a Be The Decoy tag on it. I think you may be a little unbiased.

Second, the argument isn't about whether it works or not. I'm sure it does in some cases, but I don't have a clue. I haven't used it and I'm not that experienced of an antelope hunter to know whether it does or does not work. Even if most sober, respectable hunters readily recognize that it's a person wearing the hat and not an antelope, there's still plenty of idiots out there who wouldn't think twice about pulling the trigger on something wandering around with horns 500 yards away. I haven't seen too many people that look like deer or turkey, but inevitably there are hunters who get shot every year not wearing a fake animal on their head.

I'm not saying that I expect to see significant Be The Decoy related deaths this year, but I do believe someone will eventually get a bullet in their earhole because of it.

Your expecting someone to get shot? That's not good man.
There is a BIG difference between sitting near a decoy and having it on your head. All I'm saying is that it doesn't seem like a good idea. I'm not saying the odds of someone getting shot shoot through the roof, but it just doesn't seem like the smartest thing to do. Agreed, it is their head, so I really don't care if people are running around wearing them. I was just curious if anyone else was a little hesitant in wearing one.
Come on... your odds of getting shot in that get-up are no higher than getting shot in any other costume.. maybe 0.0001% higher. Not to say there aren't total idiots that hunt, but you'd have to be a TOTAL idiot.

Hey, check out that smiling 4-eyed dinkalope! Odd that he's packin Hoyt AlphaMax. Let's shoot him because he's not carrying a Matthews!
Ok..I am with the decoy, but have heard all this before. If you are using any other decoy, for any other animal. You are taking the same risk, whether you are sitting behind it, or in a spread. Turkey hunting is the most dangeous of all hunting by statistics, then whitetail. Guys and treestands, but more turkey hunters are killed each year than any other. This is much safer than sitting next to your turkey set up. It is archery only, and is illegal in just about all states to wear a costume during a firearm season. I realize your concerns. We took a long look at the same thing when doing this. It is no different then using a Montana decoy and sneaking with it while you are walking next to it. And yes, the Montana decoys work great too. I am not scared to say it. Use them together, unless that is too scary for you! ;)
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