Caribou Gear Tarp

Bad Day

The Viperess

New member
May 27, 2001
It started with a phone call to TE's school there a kid thee that has been hitting him and TE dont like to fight for he dont want to be kicked out of school so i called the school and told them if they dont take care of I told TE to beat the shit out of the kid well that did it for the kid is out for 3 days.

then it comes time to pick TE up from school I am parked out frount with all the other moms and dads. well this ass holes comes along and hit the mirror on the van he then gos up and parks his car I wait for him to come and see how bad my morror is well he never got out of his car so i am really pissed now I go to his car he ask me what I wanted I told him what the hell do you mean what do I want you ass hole you hit my van he then said no I didn't I told him all these people saw you then I told him well is all you had to do was get out and see if it was bad and say ypou sorry. he then looked at me and said well what about my car I really got pissed and called him a Dum
Ok now I have TE from school we go to get Littlenut from school :mad: :mad: I and sitting there and waiting for the kids to cross the street and this ass in back of me honks so this guy crossing the street thinks it is me :mad: so he starts to cuss me out I am looking at him like what the hell. well he keeps this up I all ready pissed about the van so I roll the window and ask him was you born a ass hole or do you work at it he just looks at me so then me and my mouth I tell him nope you dont work at it so you was born one. Ok now I have both boys in the car and it time to get NUT from work well there was a accident so we are sitting there and waiting for them to get it cleand up so we can go on well this guy was not going to sit so he pulls up next to me and say Bitch move you car I looked at him and said were to there no place to go. both boys just sit there and start to LTAO.

So how is your FRIDAY the 13th going.
wow! sounds like a hell of a day,

Lesson of the day: Ohio drivers take their driving seriously!

Dont go to Ohio!
LMAO!!! Been there done that!! Had a kid that liked to pick on my daughter during recess(taking the way back machine). I parked across the street and watched, camera in hand for two days. Finally caught the little #$%^@%1 with his pants down LITERALLY!! The teacher in charge?? On a coffee break inside. I waited til after school at the front door, and when Mom came to pick up this brain-trust I informed her of his action and what my plans were for his future(what little there was!). Somehow he got the idea his life was in danger and never went near her again.
As for the day, I looked at the calendar, shut off the phone, the lights, and pulled up the covers!! :D :D
Better luck tomorrow!

Wow... Sorry it wasn't a good day for you today.
When I read this 1st. thing I said to elky was I'm so glad I don't live in the city , as much as I like city life, I have to keep reminding myself ;)
Well hope Saturday the 14th is better for you
Sosrry to hear of your misfortune. They do learn to be "jerks" at a very early age don't they. Remember Vipress that their behavior is a "learned" characteristic and carries through adult hood. The guy that hit your mirror was ljust reflecting sthe manners, attitude, and moral responsibility that had been instructed to him just like the three year old is at present. Maybe one of them can be redirected. :(
Vip, sorry to hear of your miserable day today. Although, reading it made me smile, laugh actaully. I know it wasn't funny for you, but sitting here and reading it sure is funny. ;) Hope tomorrow is a better day for you is Friday the 13th, so keep Nut's feet away from the sofa.
Sure sorry to hear that you have been having about the same kind of day that I did, Viperess. Started off, this was supposed to have been one of my days off, but stuff broke down at work, so I let the guys lay a guilt trip on me about me being off and them having to work. I offered to go in today and chase parts and such to help them out. I was still excited about Gila Monster's write-up in another thread and had copied the URL down to show my friend at work who happens to be my hunting pal as well. Well one of the guys whom I had always thought of as a hunter and okay guy started making comments, and being I didn't get enough sleep last night...I ended up telling him to go "wee-wee" up a rope. :mad: I now have an enemy. Oh well! Tough stuff, eh? But it got worse from there...seems that everything I did today, either it turned out wrong, or I said the wrong thing and made someone PO'ed. The 40 mile commute home was aggravating today...traffic was weird. Got a rock "coochie" in the windshield from someone passing in the median! :rolleyes: Had someone trying to crawl up my exhaust pipe behind me, and a "nervous nellie" in front of me playing "sneak attack" with the brake pedal. I was afraid of either keyholing someone, or getting keyholed. Then when I got home, I find one of the emails in my box is a PO'ed one. :eek: Yesterday, a friend in Alabama forwarded a warning about a new virus threat in which they attach the virus payload to a .zip file to sneak it past the firewalls and anti-virus. I forwarded it to many on my mailing list as well as a BCC back to the one who sent it to me with some wording in my reply about finding .zip files annoying and usually just deleting them anyway. I guess, a better choice of words would have been "unsolicited .zip files." Anyway...I guess I have at least two people PO'ed at me now who would rejoice in my cessation of breathing activity. Some days I think I would do better to just stay to myself and sleep it off. :D

Hope tomorrow is much better for both of us.
Yikes! The only real bad part of my day was to piss of my boss and his daughter the receptionist, then make it stick by telling THEIR boss what I did and getting her approval. :D We did take the kids to the mall last night for a closeout sale at some store, and I was a suspicious, nervous wreck the whole time we were there, but I always am when my kids are in crowded places. ;)
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