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Baby Leave

They didn't have all that shit when my kids was born. You had to work. I would save that 6 months of sick time, in case you do get sick.
Nemont is right, saying that the rest of you are unsupportive isn't fair.

Then again there are guys on here who talk big and bad but are really good guys actually. It annoys me though to hear them talk that way about their women even if they say it just to sound macho.

Either way I know I hit my breaking point one night in the first week. If my husband hadn't stepped up and taken the baby from me I think I would have lost it. I think every man should understand there is that possibility. A woman has just rearranged her entire physiology in a very short period of time to give birth to your (and your can mean two people too) child. She is not going to be feeling 100% and needs to allow herself to heal. Also any person who gets virtually zero sleep for several days running is not going to be particularly sane, so guys step up.

Whether you take time off or not, do not expect her to do it all 100% of the time those first few weeks.
Well All you guys talk your smack "it's the womens job", " that is what women are for" blah blah blah.... The minute I hear that out of My Hubbys mouth is the day I file for divorce and move back to Cali....

We are going to have to play it by ear, but I have a bad feeling I may need a C-Section. My mothers hips were to Narrow or something and if I inherited that from her, we may be in for more healing then I wanted. I am also thinking while my mother is here, he may not need to be under our nose.

If I need his help he WILL give it to me and it will be a mightly long time (NEVER) before he gets the Breakfast making , Lunch packing, Dinner ready when you get home kind of wife alot of you guys describe.

He is really happy to be a father and I know he is going to be there for her when I need him. I do not want him to stay home to serve us, I wanted us to learn together what her needs are and how to take care of a baby. Luckily our cousin is real helpful and I know she will be there to help us with all the things we do not know. Neither one of us knows how to care for an infant. He has never taken care of one and I have not been around one since my sister was born 20 years ago..... :eek:

One more thing, all this emotion stuff and depression stuff you guys are talking about is scaring me..... I never knew I was going to be so upset.... Are you guys pulling my leg or am I going to be one step away from Suicide?????
The only time off I had was on my days off. I was working 3 days a week and 2 nights a week at the time so I was the one that was going without the proper sleep and rest. There will be times when you can rest while the baby is sleeping so you will just have to learn to deal with it. Robert will be a work and not be able to take those naps like you will be able to. His working and bringing home a paycheck should be the important thing as without that you will have squat. i worked all day, went to the hospital for the delivery, saw the wife and baby, this was at 11:12 PM on a work night. Left the hospital and celebrated heavily with some friends. I did miss the first couple hours of work the next morning, but still went to work. I saw the family after work hours. i did my part when i was at home, as does any new daddy, but work and a paycheck were very important to me, no sick time and no vacation time taken and should not be expected from Robert. When he gets frustrated, it is time for you to tell him to go out and do some hunting or see some friends.
when my daughter was born i cound not do any thing right for about 4 months my mom (my mom was the worsted) an my mother in law kept telling me that wased the right way to do some things an bla bla bla
i got up every nite feed an changed diapers go to work baby set on the week ends
my wife stayed home for about a year an half

but every thing turn out ok ..... an besides i never listned to them
Stay home no way in hell.

Fred was very supportive. But I didnt need him to stay home to prove it.

He did stay home with TE but that was only because he was laid off and i was working so 2 days in hospital and then out back to work for me on the 3rd day shit I just wated to get away from the little brat after 40 hours of labor.

even after littlenut came he went to work. littlenut was 2 months early but he still spent time with him at the hospital.

you dont have to take time off to show support.

yes The men need support to after the women has a baby. it is not just one sided. the man can get depression after all of this.
the man can get depression after all of this.

Just getting married causes depression in men.
That is why we go to work. It is not because we like it. It is a great excuse to get away from a wife and screaming kids. :rolleyes: ;)

Yes I was at home when TE was born. IT was way cool. But once I got a job Vipe quit and stayed with the baby. The man usually is way more supportive after he gets home from work. He is able to take over many times if the day has been rough for the Mom. etc etc etc. ;)
I am not depressed, I just Can not imagine being UPSET after I have the baby. No more Lower back pain, No more Stomach in the way, no more baby kicking me while I am trying to sleep. Sometimes she wakes Robert up by kicking so hard.....

I guess the difference with the time off with us compared to others would be that Robert has A lot of time he can take off fully paid. He has over 750 sick leave and has over 3 weeks of vacation. He will need his vacation so sick leave is the best way to go. We will see what happens....

He is gone for a couple days with his dad so he can't respond anymore....
well I know that not all guys are unsupportive,baby or not. I used to work 12 hours a day AND come home to do all the cooking, bill paying etc. Why? Because that's how I believe things should be done. Don't get me wrong, women who are pregnant don't need to just lay around all day even after they have the baby. A couple days yes but if you don't do a little activity, you may regret it. Some of the women I know wanted to go back to work threee dyas after giving birth. but if I offend anyone, it's not my intention. :cool:
Sick days should be taken for Hunting

i agree ..... told my boss today that i was going to be sick for the next 7 work days ..i leave tomorrow for a deer hunt
The kids mom was there to help me with the boy. After 2 months the girl was all mine to raise. Feedings in the middle of the night, diaper changes and I still got up and worked a 12 hour day, 6 days a week, did the laundry, the grocery shopping, the cooking and the cleaning. Time off?? What the hell is that?
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