Awesome Montana Elk Hunt!

Great story and pictures Matt. Did your wife rib you at all on how to hit an elk with a bullet;) Thanks for sharing

Awesome stuff. Congrats. Won't be long and I'll be packin extra diapers on my hunts. Buddy told me on the weekend after I nearly biffed it in the dark in some deadfall... "Sweet move for a 42 year old!"

That's par for Bozeman. I go to Parent teacher conferences and some of the other kids parents are old enough to be mine:eek: No thanks
Bart, i was taking shooting lessons from her as i watched her hammer that bull 5 times at 200 yards. SHe shot a 3" group right through the chest, all perfect shots.

After my horrible luck this year, i got a little antsy when he was still on his feet so i made her keep shooting until i saw him fall over:):) Was totally unnecessary but i guess in my mind it wasn't;)

She is definately a keeper!! Hopefully after another week out of state with four kids at home, she decides to keep me..LOL
Man, this thread inspired me - with a 7 month old, I grew a pair and hoped that by showing this to my wife, she might be inspired. Believe it or not, she said that if there was an area like that close to our house or close due to being in a travel trailer, she'd do it even with the youngest being where he's at. Brought a tear to my eye! :D
Man that is awesome...I'm inspired!! My one year old (will be two) is going antelope hunting with me next year!

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