ATV Pros Is Open!!

weapondepot said:
I am confused with this statement

Taking ATV's off-road should never be done, isn't that their intended purpose?
weapondepot said:
So please, let me know how ATV's ruin hunting, especially when I know a ton of hunters that travel in on ATV's.
weapondepot said:
the part about not taking them off-road does not quite make sense...their purpose is even in their name All Terrain Vehicle. If you were going to drive them on the pavement, why not just get a car or truck.

I think you have pretty much explained the problem. Thanks for your help.....

You stated you know tons of hunters who travel on ATV's, and you also said their purpose is to go off-road and "their purpose is even in their name All Terrain Vehicle". |oo

Now you know why ATVs are better than all the Animal Rights groups and Gun Control groups at ruining hunting. I would send money to PETA before I ever wasted a $ on the Blue Ribbed Coalition.....
JoseCuervo said:
The last two are from Any Creek down in the Owyhees. If you spent time on the Nature Conspiracy's Ranch down there, you likely saw the same on your drive in and out.

The Owyhees are far too fragile for ATV's and are far to abused by the fat-assed ATV riders. They have essentially ruined hunting down there for the past 20 years, since the invention of the ATV. Used to be some big bucks out of that area, now it is covered by fat-assed ATV riders shooting 2 pointers as soon as they see them. Last year on this site, there was some lady bragging how she was lobbing shots a 1/4 of a mile and finally whacked some forkie that they didn't even want the meat from. It is pretty sad what the fat-assed ATV riders do down in the Owyhees.

You used the word fat-assed so many times I thought you were looking for a date.
Hmmm, I actually thought it might be from along the main Salmon river, near Eagle Creek. The area along that river is litttered with trails going up on the hillsides to nowhere as well as people tearing up the beaches. I never actually made it down to the 45 ranch of the TNC's in the Owyhees. Its amazing to me on Craig Mountain Wildlife Management Area (South of Lewiston) how much time and effort is put into fencing and putting up signs along roads to keep ATV riders from going cross country. IDFG does a good job of limiting ATV access up there in my opinion but you still find places where people cut fences, ride around signs and gates, or just cross country onto closed roads. Not all of the problems are ATV's though, you see the same things but with pickup tracks instead of ATV as well.
TheTone said:
Not all of the problems are ATV's though, you see the same things but with pickup tracks instead of ATV as well.

Nope has to be ATV' one else in any other type of vehicle is irresponsible, it is only ATV riders.

I am being dramatic of I stated a few posts ago...I ride in the dunes and where people cannot hunt, therefore, I do not create an issue.
I couldn't find the pictures in my album from Eagle Creek. But I do have the pictures you were thinking of. I took them 2 summers ago on a float trip down the Lower Salmon. It is pretty sad being on a remote wild river with 1 road in 60 miles and the Fat-assed aTV riders can't even stay on it, they have to see how they can hill climb up out of the Canyon.

I thought you said there were Lizards in the Dunes you ride on? And you still think you do not create an "issue"? Are only animals that have huntings seasons worthy of habitat and protection from fat-assed ATV riders?
Jose, the only reason you dont like people riding in the dunes is so your cousins dont get caught crossing them.....

The dunes is a big sand box just like a giant litter box. so what if some freaking lizzard or some freaking bug gets squished,.

the wind and rain does more damage to the dunes in one season than any fleet of quads would do in a hundred years.....

Oh I am sure your going to find something wrong with that statement.

you know maybe we should keep the military from doing manuvers on base's and goverment land also..... think of all the damage that is happening on the bombing ranges....

JoseCuervo said:
I thought you said there were Lizards in the Dunes you ride on? And you still think you do not create an "issue"? Are only animals that have huntings seasons worthy of habitat and protection from fat-assed ATV riders?

Curious, do you get your home sprayed for bugs? If you see a spider in your house do you kill it or pick it up and take it outside.

I was being funny when I talked about lizard hunting in the dunes, in the years I have been going there I have never seen one.

But it is clear you just simply want to hate anything that has to do with ATV's and that is your right....our military saw to that.
Delw said:
Jose, the only reason you dont like people riding in the dunes is so your cousins dont get caught crossing them.....

.....delw, i dont think the sand lizzard is related to the lot lizzard.

Originally Posted by JoseCuervo
I would send money to PETA

save some for the "Hillary for president" campaign.
Nemont said:
That is like asking why do the police have guns.

Not sure how you look at it Nemont? But the last time i saw some forest service guys on ATV`s they were hauling fencing materials,cement,posts and other gear thru the forest where there were no roads... yes they were carefull and going slow but the fact is they were using them? hump Guns?

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