Arizona Elk Application


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2014
New Zealand
I've had some excellent help from hunttalkers over the last few years and try to limit my requests to help as I dont want to out stay my welcome! But if someone would be able to help with my sons AZ application that would be greatly appreciated. I've been to all western states except AZ and NM so its new territory for me.

I've been applying for elk in Arizona for my son the past seven years. I've applied in the very hard to draw units not expecting to draw but knowing if my son did draw it would be a great hunt.

But next year I would like to apply in a unit that has better odds with the 7 points my son now has and I have been researching on gohunt. But it seems like the easier to draw units come with warnings which I find confusing as the harvest stats look decent. Not sure if I should keep building a few more points.

Anyway, if anyone can help it would be great to hear from you. Suggest that a PM would be best.

As always happy to help anyone looking at hunting New Zealand.

Edit: I updated the wording re points.
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He's 15 years old, so eligible for youth tags. I haven't looked into these tags, so thanks!
AZ elk is really a great hunt in many units. I would look at late rifle. Some of the easier draw units have limited elk and access to small pockets of private property make a world of difference for success. There are very few real hidden hunts in AZ.
Go hunt when reporting points and odds isn't squaring them. So your son has 2 points when looking at gohunt odds for having applied for 2 years. Right? Someone else would need to confirm

Shoot me a PM I’m happy to talk unit and get specific about details. AZ doesn’t do mandatory reporting so harvest data is whacked. I would also add there are a lot of lazy hunters. I did a hunt last year that has a 5% harvest rate but I was in elk all but 1 day of the hunt. All the other hunters I talked Barry saw elk because they stayed on their atvs.
That is correct. If he’s put in for two years he has has two species bonus points.


Rifle, muzzy, or archery?
We have been looking at rifle and archery. But muzzy is an option if thats means a good hunt.
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Shoot me a PM I’m happy to talk unit and get specific about details. AZ doesn’t do mandatory reporting so harvest data is whacked. I would also add there are a lot of lazy hunters. I did a hunt last year that has a 5% harvest rate but I was in elk all but 1 day of the hunt. All the other hunters I talked Barry saw elk because they stayed on their atvs.
Thanks, I'll send you a PM.
Go hunt when reporting points and odds isn't squaring them. So your son has 2 points when looking at gohunt odds for having applied for 2 years. Right? Someone else would need to confirm
My son has 7 bonus points. I have purchased these points over the last 6 years.
Youth elk hunts are for cow only for $65 non resident plus a $5 license. Look at regs and pick a youth elk hunt camp. We have done 6a and 10. Into elk every day 6a. 10 we actually camped close to town after deer camp in 17 and they came and ate all around us. 11 bulls and 3 within 150 yards on y pattern screaming heads off all night. The camps are amazing free food, free gear and workshops but most of all free guide. Also fun to be around bunch people. With 2 points you should draw this year. Now deer has buck tags and once we knew we drew elk tag we would put in for youth deer and drew both times. Also picked up Javelina tag cause so cheap. With 2 points go have fun. Start saving cheaply w youth points for a bull tag after doing at least 1 cow hunt. I saw more elk in 1 day every day in Arizona than I saw in 2 seasons in Colorado. Don't worry about unit or better yet a camp just go and you will find them.
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Dm me if you don’t get the answers you’re looking for. Most the sub elite units have plenty of elk, just not big bulls. Late hunts are the way to go with 7 points. Don’t cash in those for a cow tag. He can draw cow tags once he’s no longer a youth. Would like to know what warnings you’ve heard and if they are really an issue for you? I can also verify if they are true or not
Dm me if you don’t get the answers you’re looking for. Most the sub elite units have plenty of elk, just not big bulls. Late hunts are the way to go with 7 points. Don’t cash in those for a cow tag. He can draw cow tags once he’s no longer a youth. Would like to know what warnings you’ve heard and if they are really an issue for you? I can also verify if they are true or not
Thanks DM sent.