Archery ELK Hunt 2017 Advice on where to go??


New member
Aug 7, 2013
So I am in a quandary on where to go this fall and I know deadlines will soon be hitting..... A buddy and I are both active duty and have plans on heading west this fall. I have 10 pts in AZ, but even with a party tag it is doubtful that is enough to get a tag, and honestly, I want to buy a few more before trying my luck AND want to get more experience to take advantage of the tag when I do get drawn. I only have 1 pt in WY so I doubt I have a chance with anything there even if I did the special draw.

I have limited experience with ELK, I called some in while mule deer hunting when I was a resident of Arizona, but obviously couldn't shoot anything. In 2012 after returning from Afghanistan I did a guided hunt in Montana and was successful-my wife surprised me with that. Now I have 4 kids and with saving for retirement and college, I can't spend that kind of money at this point, not to mention, I want the satisfaction of DIY. I actually ended up calling in 4 bulls on my own due to my guide being pinned down a couple hundred yards behind me, a small herd moved in on him before he could move down to my location.

I plan on trying my luck in NM, but odds are slim as we all know. Next would be MT, and last choice is OTC Colorado. We will apply to KY and PA, but odds are very slim there as well.

Thanks for any advice.
Thanks for your service Jimmy!

Where do you live? I think you're on the right track. If you haven't archery hunted much, I would definitely hold on to your AZ points until you get some more archery experience. I would do at least 2-3 weeklong archery hunts before I'd burn those AZ points so that you have some experience like you mentioned.

If I were you I'd lean towards MT and get the deer/elk combo tag. You could archery hunt for a week and then go back in November and rifle hunt if you didn't fill your tag and also deer hunt. MT has some really good archery hunting. If you can absolutely only do 1 week of hunting, CO or even ID wouldn't be bad options either. Could get an OTC tag and that would be cheaper than going to MT.
I live in WV, so it will be a loooong drive, but Ive made the trip out west several times, so not that big of deal.... I thought about OTC in Colorado, but have no clue where to go. I was in NM this past summer and made a trip to Durango to Pagosa Springs and back to Albuquerque. I liked the looks of Southern Colorado, so maybe in that area.

For Montana, I've been looking at units 334, 332, 331 or somewhere north of Bozeman
I apply in New Mexico every year. This year I think I'm gonna use an application service. 50 bucks per state for the service. New Mexico has a decently high up front cost. So my plans for this year are applying in New Mexico in a party. I know there system and I know what units I want. So I won't use them for New Mexico. Also going to apply in Kentucky and PA because it's cheap and you can't win the lottery if you don't enter. I'll use them to apply me in Oregon and Idaho. I was told it's about 30% first year odds of drawing in oregon. About the same in Idaho, but the terrain is kinda nasty. Some units in Idaho are OTC too. It might be worth it to have someone like that that knows the states give you a hand. Sometimes it comes down to what you want. Do you want high draw odds. Do you want an awesome unit. 3 pools in New Mexico resident, non resident and non resident with an outfitter. And with an outfitter doesn't necessarily mean fully guided. I've drawn tags 6 or 7 consecutive years there.
Also going to apply in Kentucky and PA because it's cheap and you can't win the lottery if you don't enter.

Do KY and PA require the entire fee upfront, or the purchase of a NR license to apply? Or can you just pay the application fee?
Do KY and PA require the entire fee upfront, or the purchase of a NR license to apply? Or can you just pay the application fee?

Neither state requires NR license purchase to enter drawing.
Just pay the application fee.
Cant really give you any worth while advice except Montana was a lot of fun with my kids on a cow hunt. (1 for 2).
Just wanted to thank you and your family for your service.
Chadv- you are very welcome... I applied for all 4 hunts in KY last Friday, its a long shot, but just as esracerx said, you wont get drawn if you don't apply and for $40, its easily worth the application.

I'm greedy like most, looking for good draw odds with opportunity available for a nice bull. For NM, looking at units 52, 36,34, 6C. Not sure what my odds are.

I am debating WY, but honestly, I'm a little confused with the application process. I have a good friend who lives and guides there and he recommended units 7, 10, 16, 114 and 108. I have one point and would like to go there first, and don't mind paying the special tag price if that guarantees a tag. Guess I need to look at the regulations a little harder and see about applying there, as I would have the results in time to apply to other states.

For AZ, going to buy another point which will bring me to 11 total.

Last resort is OTC in Colorado, but not sure about what units? maybe 771, 81, 32, 34 or 28.
Thanks also FY service. Flatrock has some good advice... Maybe you know this already, but Idaho requires a license purchase to put in. So your going to hunt that state anyway even if you don't get drawn. Are you hunting with a bow or rifle? ~Slim
Get some experience hunting cows in Wyoming, or Kolorado while you get ready for your fantastic Arizona hunt. If you are looking to gain experience, you need boots on the ground-not antlers!

I hunted the same OTC unit in Colorado for 10 years and have tons of waypoints saved. I also hunted the same unit in NM 4 times. This particular unit has halfway decent draw odds and is a target rich environment. (killed 4 bulls in 4 trips with archery DIY, anything from decent 4pts and 5pts to a 310" 6pt). I would love to help you out so send me a message and I'll give you some free advice on which unit in NM to apply for and how to improve your odds. If you draw that unit, I'll give you my waypoints and you will be in elk every day. If you don't draw that unit and want to do the CO OTC hunt I can save you a lot of boot leather and frustration that route too. I have 8-12 points in every state that allows me to build pts for every species available and will be busy burning those points the next several years so I would love to help you out as a way to say thank you for your service!

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For Montana, I've been looking at units 334, 332, 331 or somewhere north of Bozeman

I have spent a lot of time in that part of the state, if you decide to head that way let me know and I can try to point you in the right direction.
I have been away for a few weeks being busy with working the inauguration and all. Worst part was having to ride the metro with the women protestors ugh!! Anyway, yes it will be archery.

I have recently subscribed to gohunt to assist with the statistical information and save me some time, but honestly, there are still a lot of options for places to hunt. I'll be sending some pm's with my cell number!
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