Anyone use llamas to pack?


New member
Feb 23, 2007
My dad and I have been thinking about this for awhile now, seems like a good way to make the pack in and out a little easier. We don't have a lot of horse experience and this seems like an easier, cheaper, and maybe more user friendly alternative. I've looked at this a lot on the internet but would like to hear from someone who has some personal experience with these animals.

Well I don't have personal experience but a co-worker here has 2 or 3 llamas and he absolutely swears by them (not AT them). He uses them all the time and has taken some nice animals because he can get back away from the road and spend a few days. He is sometimes on this site I'll see if he will post some info.
I appreciate the reply. My dad got a lead on a llama today for $150, but who knows if the animal can be used for packing. I've heard they can haul about 1/3 max of their body weight which would be decent since they can get up to 300 lbs. At least that's what I've heard.

I rented some llamas for a sheep hunt a few years back. They were excellent, well trained, strong animals. I'd think if you put some time and effort into getting them well accustomed to packing, they'll do fine.

Very low maintenance animals from my limited experience. They don't want attention, they just do their thing. Mine would do 70-80 pounds for 15-20 miles per day. You can easily tell when they wanted a break. They'd start this humming noise and look all pissy at you.
I have 5 llamas and love them for packing, EASY to train, I just got 3 for free they had never been packed before and we saddled them for the frist time with NO issues. They are realy cheap compared to horse's and I use stock racks to hall them around. I have spent 1400.00 total on 2 stock racks 4 sets of packs, & tack I know of 5 right now here in Idaho that are free and 4 of them have been packed so the work is done and the price is right shoot me a pm if you want some info on them
Thanks for the info on these animals fellas, it sounds like these may be the way to go. The prices that these animals can be had for can't be beat let alone the ones that are given away. I'll do some more looking into it.

Do they buck and throw you in a pile of mud breaking 6 Ribs and pulling a muscle loose from you ass.........not that this has happened to me March first of this year with Horses. I was just curious. John|oo
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