Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Anyone Here Besides me...


Dick Reece

On the Dean Ornish program for reversing heart disease,and if so how do you like it,what do you think of it ?
It would help tremendously if I knew what it was...so what is it
It's a kind of diet program that actually reverses heart disease over a long period of time, with improvements showing up fairly rapidly and gradually increasing.You eat only vegetarian dishes,of the Dean Ornish variety.Mostly lots of different fibers,lots of meat dishes with veggie burger in place of meat,etc.Most stuff is also cooked with a large amount of herbs and spices.You lose a lot of weight fairly quickly.

There are 4 parts to it,diet,exercise,stress management [my biggest setback,I get stressed anymore real easy
] and group support [got that at home from the wifey,she wants me to hang around awhile

So far it's a really cool program,and I'm beginning to feel a whole lot better.The diet is great,too! The hospital I work at is one of very few in the nation that sell Dean Ornish meals in there cafeteria! So,I get potato soup for a 1.50$,a huge salad with my favorite veggies for 2.00$,etc.

I figure on cheating and eating BBQ ribs or sirloin steak or maybe pork BBQ about once every 2 months,just to break the monotony and keep the interest going!
heh-heh,well,it's either that or die,I reckon.A few chest pains and major surgery and several heart catheterizations helped convince me.

I was just wondering if anyone else was on the program,and what they thought of it ?
It's a proven diet,it really does reverse artheroschlerosis.
Ain't it the truth,if a coyote gets downwind of me,he'll be so damn dazed from the stench I can take my time shooting'em!

I swear,all I do is fart and run to the crapper,if the sequence reverses,I'll be in big trouble!
LOL! That's great, and I think you are lucky that where you work features the menu items. It could be hard to follow otherwise. I guess you would have to take your lunch to work with you, otherwise. Or find a salad bar close to work.

Good Luck!
Yeah,pretty lucky they serve there,who says West Virginia is backwards in everything

The stuff sure is good,I just hope I don't get burnt out on it.

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