Anyone have a spare tree stand?


New member
Nov 1, 2010
So I decided now that the snow has started melting enough to get down to my tree stand that I would venture down and look for some sheds and grab my stand. As I was walking around looking for the tree I could have sworn I was in the right area. I then found that my tree had been chopped down with an axe.



I had put bolts in the tree to ensure no one would take my tree steps, and I have always worried about someone climbing up the tree and just taking my stand so I invested in some uncuttable chain with a lock to secure it to the tree as well as putting bolts into the tree through the holes in my tree stand. I never thought someone would go to this extreme to take someones tree stand. They then chopped off the branches of the tree and the top of the tree to slide my trees stand with the chain off of the tree. I was prepared to take my tree stand down so I could move it to a better location this fall.Needless to say it was not a great day :mad:
Pretty shoddy axe work too.

That sucks, but I can't lie, I laughed a little.

How long had it been there? Public land?
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Sorry about that I'd be furious. What kind of lowlife would put that kind of effort into stealing they could have earned enough to buy their own with that kind of time on their hands. Just hearing about this kind of stuff makes me boil!
Wow, Ive had treestands stolen before as well but nothing to that extent. I hate to hear about more lowlife POS in the woods, looks like youve got at least one if not a group of them there.
That takes a first rate SOB to do that. He had to have surmised that you hadn't abandoned it permanently. If the hand of justice could get together with the ghost of Charles Darwin maybe the POS will fall out of it and break his freaking neck. That infuriates me and I don't know you from Adam's house cat. I've had stands stolen enough that I only ground hunt now.
I am clueless why anyone would put in so much work to steal a tree stand. Never used one, how much does one cost?

Have had a few thefts happen to me and can understand the frustration and anger!
well I do have plenty of them but given your situation I'm not sure you can borrow it!:rolleyes:
That's the problem with our world today. To many POS, lowlife, thieves that would rather steal than work an honest day like the rest of us. I mean seriously, who thinks, "I'm gonna cut down that there tree so I can steal that nice treestand". Get a job you effin POS!!
That is terrible. Its amazing how hard people will work to get the five finger discount. I actually had to chain my BBQ to my deck when i was in college and even then I would have somebody come by atleast once a week and try to steal it.
Shit i don't feel bad for you at all im sorry. Key word public land you wouldn't leave a bag of trash there for 4 months,leave a raft sitting on a lake, or park your car in the woods for 4 months would you? I don't like going on public land and seeing your shit BOLTED and chained to trees, that's everyone's land not just yours to set up shop. How about i come set up a blind in your front front yard for 4 months and see if you liked it. Next time don't be lazy, pack out what you pack in.
Wow, that is too much work for a tree stand IMO. Is it legal where you live to leave your tree stand in overnight on public land and put bolts into the trees?

Here in MN you cannot leave anything in the woods overnight and you cannot drill into any tree with a metal object. You can leave your tree stand up in national forest for like 3 weeks or something. I just don't leave things in the woods I guess and am used to all the work hunting public land.
I don't condone theft, and I don't know the complete circumstances surrounding the case here.. but a quick peek at Idahos rules and regs leaves some questions in my mind.

For instance: The big game rules state that all blinds (assuming treestand falls under blind??) on BLM land may not be permanent or use permanent fasteners, may not be locked, do not grand exclusive right of use, and cannot be up any earlier than 10 days before season and must be down no later than 7 days after season.

Another section under Fish and Game Public land use rules says, under Activities Prohibited Without Director Authorization. Unless specifically authorized by the Commission or under lease, permit, contract, or agreement issued by the Director, Regional Supervisor, or other authorized agent, the following activities are prohibited:,
"To construct blinds, pits, platforms, or tree stands where the soil is disturbed, trees are cut or altered, and artificial fasteners, such as wire, rope, or nails are used. All blinds shall be available to the public on a “first-come - firstserved” basis. Portable manufactured blinds and tree stands are allowed but may not be left overnight."

Seems to me, that having your treestand bolted to a tree for 4 month on public land violated a fair share of rules.

Of course, the "rules" also say to be respectful of other hunters' blinds and equipment, which somebody clearly was not as they proceeded to hack down your stand and make off with it. Actually it looks like some bubba gave his three year old a hatchet for christmas and let him practice on "your" tree.

Any self respecting and half intelligent tree stand thief knows that a Stihl MS250 strapped to the sxs makes for a much quicker getaway. Hack job like that just screams "amateur" or "feds".
Shit i don't feel bad for you at all im sorry. Key word public land you wouldn't leave a bag of trash there for 4 months,leave a raft sitting on a lake, or park your car in the woods for 4 months would you? I don't like going on public land and seeing your shit BOLTED and chained to trees, that's everyone's land not just yours to set up shop. How about i come set up a blind in your front front yard for 4 months and see if you liked it. Next time don't be lazy, pack out what you pack in.

Just a little harsh, not the best comparisons either.

Never tree stand hunted before, but I'd be afraid to leave a stand there any longer than I had too due to this exact thing. Either way, what a bunch of BS.
I don't condone theft, and I don't know the complete circumstances surrounding the case here.. but a quick peek at Idahos rules and regs leaves some questions in my mind.

For instance: The big game rules state that all blinds (assuming treestand falls under blind??) on BLM land may not be permanent or use permanent fasteners, may not be locked, do not grand exclusive right of use, and cannot be up any earlier than 10 days before season and must be down no later than 7 days after season.

Another section under Fish and Game Public land use rules says, under Activities Prohibited Without Director Authorization. Unless specifically authorized by the Commission or under lease, permit, contract, or agreement issued by the Director, Regional Supervisor, or other authorized agent, the following activities are prohibited:,
"To construct blinds, pits, platforms, or tree stands where the soil is disturbed, trees are cut or altered, and artificial fasteners, such as wire, rope, or nails are used. All blinds shall be available to the public on a “first-come - firstserved” basis. Portable manufactured blinds and tree stands are allowed but may not be left overnight."

Seems to me, that having your treestand bolted to a tree for 4 month on public land violated a fair share of rules.

Of course, the "rules" also say to be respectful of other hunters' blinds and equipment, which somebody clearly was not as they proceeded to hack down your stand and make off with it. Actually it looks like some bubba gave his three year old a hatchet for christmas and let him practice on "your" tree.

Any self respecting and half intelligent tree stand thief knows that a Stihl MS250 strapped to the sxs makes for a much quicker getaway. Hack job like that just screams "amateur" or "feds".

The above in Red is only on fish and game Department owned lands-does not apply to other land owned by other parties.
Nice Guy!

Shit i don't feel bad for you at all im sorry. Key word public land you wouldn't leave a bag of trash there for 4 months,leave a raft sitting on a lake, or park your car in the woods for 4 months would you? I don't like going on public land and seeing your shit BOLTED and chained to trees, that's everyone's land not just yours to set up shop. How about i come set up a blind in your front front yard for 4 months and see if you liked it. Next time don't be lazy, pack out what you pack in.

Wow Indian Larry based off your post you seem to be just the type of person that would have took his stand? You can tell a lot about you from your quote! You seem to be quite the jerk!
You did make one logical point though, it is Public Land not Fish and Game land or in "your front yard"! Public Land is for "everyones" and "all" uses and that includes tree stands! Even if you don't like it! The deer season alone here in idaho is 4 months long! Thats just about the length of time he had his stand up. Huh imagine that! Well what if you hunt coyotes or other predators out of your tree stand? You can hunt them year round here in Idaho?
The guy did nothing wrong or unethical and was not "lazy". He used bolts for steps so he could remove them when he took his stand down(Legal in Idaho). He chained his stand to the tree for theft security not to lock up acess(Legal in Idaho). He left his stand in the woods for the 4 months during deer season and went to take it down at the end of the season.(Legal in Idaho). As long as he was actively using his tree stand he could have left it up even longer! (Legal in Idaho). I LOVE IDAHO!
Wow Indian Larry based off your post you seem to be just the type of person that would have took his stand? You can tell a lot about you from your quote! You seem to be quite the jerk!

I think quite possibly the only jerk on this thread is you, after all you make asinine accusations of one's character? I can assure you that Indian Larry would not lie, cheat, steal or do anything unethical regarding hunting.

You did make one logical point though, it is Public Land not Fish and Game land or in "your front yard"! Public Land is for "everyones" and "all" uses and that includes tree stands! Even if you don't like it! The deer season alone here in idaho is 4 months long! Thats just about the length of time he had his stand up. Huh imagine that!

To make this less confusing for you we are going to call the original poster tool #1 and you are tool #2.

So tool #2 where did Indian Larry say he had a problem with having a tree stand up DURING deer season? It is quite clear that Indian Larry's problem is with tool #1 just NOW getting to picking up his deer stand.

Also tool #2 it is clear in tool #1's reply that he setup the stand for the late deer season. So Idaho having a 4 month long deer season isn't even relevant to this discussion about how tool #1's procrastination led to him losing his "purdy deer stand, with nuts and bolts y'all".

Well what if you hunt coyotes or other predators out of your tree stand?
Well that clearly means you hunt coyotes and predators out of your stand.

You can hunt them year round here in Idaho?
A quick look at the regulations will answer this question for you.

The guy did nothing wrong or unethical and was not "lazy".

And how do you know this? He sure sounds like a lazy guy to me because

1) He setup his "purdy tree stand with nuts and bolts" where other people would find it. Probably only 20-30 ft off a road. Sounds lazy to me

2) Its almost March and he is just now getting around to pick it up.

3) He thinks he bought a chain you can't cut and a lock you cannot break. Hahahaha.

4) He's probably out there shopping for a tree you cannot cut right now. If he is I hope he checks Amazon. After all, its free shipping on orders over 20 dollars.

5) He lives in Idaho. We all know how lazy Idaho people are.

He chained his stand to the tree for theft security not to lock up acess(Legal in Idaho)
How did that turn out for tool #1?

He left his stand in the woods for the 4 months during deer season and went to take it down at the end of the season.(Legal in Idaho)
Lie. Tool #2 if we all learn anything from this thread it is that you are a liar. The end of the season was not when Tool #1 went to take it down. Also he didn't leave it up for the 4 months of deer season. But we already came to that fact earlier. I did repeat it because you are a slow learner. In case you are wondering, you are indeed tool #2

As long as he was actively using his tree stand he could have left it up even longer! (Legal in Idaho)

Yeah he was really actively using it. He couldn't even remember exactly where he left it. He had to look around for it, read tool #1's original post.

Good for you. I love your mom. But I don't go around telling everyone.
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