Anyone from the South

WH's OutdoorsChick

New member
Nov 14, 2003
Rochester, Washington
I know it is a long shot but one of my best Friends moved to Louisiana, and she is in the middle of getting a divorce…

Does anybody know anything about restraining order…. Her husband is stationed on San Diego, but she wants to get one, he is getting a lil violent lately. He is in the Navy so I can go to his Boss, but losing his job would mean no Child Support for her!
Have her speak to an Assistant District Attorney or have her call her local YWCA, they seem to be stepping up to support these women. Best of Luck to her. John
temporary restraining orders are usually given just by filing the paperwork. after that she will probablly have to go to court to get a permanant she from louisiana if so i bet she has brothers, cousins,etc that could show him a good ole fashion southern ass of luck to her
ODC, Tell her to go to the Provost Marshall. She will get her child support directly from his check and he'll never see it. They will also issue a restraining order that will send him to the brig if he violates it..

I guess you gotta go through the steps. I don't really know but best of luck to her and her children, I hope everythings works out for the best.
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