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Anyone For Dinner at Cracker Barrel?


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
Woman Finds Mouse in Soup on Mother's Day

NEWPORT NEWS, Va. - A woman out for an early Mother's Day lunch at the Cracker Barrel restaurant found a mouse in her vegetable soup. The woman had already eaten some of the soup on Saturday when she scooped up the mouse.

The discovery prompted the chain to immediately halt the serving of vegetable soup at the Newport News restaurant as well as nationally, a corporate spokeswoman said Monday.

"As soon as the problem was discovered, we stopped serving the product," Julie Davis said from Cracker Barrel's suburban Nashville, Tenn., headquarters.

The mouse, less than 2 inches long, is being tested to determine whether it got into the soup at the store or was already in a soup package when it arrived from a vendor.

"We want to know how this happened," Davis said.

The Newport News store had received its regular pest control service on April 13, she said.

Davis said Cracker Barrel deemed the discovery so serious, President Donald M. Turner was involved within hours of the discovery to direct the company's response.

"I can't stress enough how seriously we view this," Davis said.
What in the hell did she think she was doing eating the veggie/ meat soup, if she didn't want fresh chew

Guess they would have really s*** a brick if they'd seen the stir-fry dish with little octopussies in it at the Chinese restaurant the other day. (What is the correct plural of octopus? Octopi???)

My niece was freaking out...said that she thought the "testicles" were creepy. ROTFLMBO! Actually, it was quite tasty, despite her comments. I will eat octopus, squid, cuttlefish, and many other things some people wouldn't touch. But I ain't gonna eat a mouse...I ain't gonna eat brains...and I ain't gonna eat any bull oysters! That's just the way I am!

When we were younger and got to stay with my dad for the summer in Idaho where he was raping and plundering the land for personall proffit. We were all sitting around the breakfast table, my step mom poored the green cool aid for us four boy's to drink. She then told us to not drink the juice, well you show me four young boy's that will not just suck down their drinks at such a request, she looked as if she was going to get sick. When she finally showed us what had made her so ill looking. There was a dead mouse in the bottom of the juice jug. It had been in there so long, it's tail had turned green, along with it's toes and nose. To this day, she still won't serve up green coolaid... :D

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