Yeti GOBOX Collection

Antelope and Cactus?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2003
red river of the north
Anyone got any brilliant ideas on how to protect your knees and hands from cactus when crawling after goats?

I think I am going to try a pair of those hard plastic knee pads like rollerbladers wear. I am not sure if thin leather glover will be enough to protect my hands or not.?
Get some flooring knee pads from your local hardward store. I woud guess the roller blade pads will have slots that may still allow spines to reach your skin.
miller- Don't forget those for next month! ;) Unless, FinalShot is REALLY sawed off you may be permanently stuck with the short straw!! :D
Smalls those work or the ones the carpet guys work.
Also get something for your hands, they take a toll when running around on all fours.
cactus still goes through leather hard plastic is best.

Ummmm, the obvious......crawl around them. Actually, I can't give any advice here. I always end up crawling across them myself. I would worry about noise with teh hard plastic ones.
Yeah, when's the last time you saw a buck coming over the ridge and first did a thorough inspection of the ground below you before you dropped ot all fours?

The reason I asked this question is cuz I dropped right into a large pear last year w/ my knee. It became VERY swollen and made it hard to walk the next several days.

For noise, I could put some of that self-adhesive moleskin on them so there would be a layer between the ground/rocks/etc. and my knee pads.
Come on, you should know I was joking....I have done the same thing. Needles were in my lower knee and upper shin...

some of them got infected and I had to lance the swollen areas to drain the puss. not a pretty sight, and it didn't feel too good either.

The moleskin may work. The rocks I was hunting/crawling over I would worry about the lasting power, but anything is worth a try.

Good luck.
Don't bother with knee pads just go out an get a 50cal and shoot them from the road!! :
Get the knee pads they use for Volleyball or sports. They are soft and put some sheepskin on them for noise. I have used them and they have gotten very hot. I just wear them on my ankles and when a stalk comes on then I pull them up to my knee's. They work great. But the sheepskin makes no noise when crawling on hard ground. I even used the elbow pads when belly crawling.
I tried the ol'socking feet a couple years ago once I closed to within 100 yds and I will never do it again. If I can't get close enough on any animal it will live another day. I had thorns in my feet for days. They got infected and popped like zits to get most of them.
smalls- these are the ones I use (mine have been piss canned O.D.). They are the carpet layers type but the hard plastic can make a little noise at times.


My goat huntin' pard uses these which he got from a fellow LEO on the swat team. The tops are rubberized, tough as hell, and quiet to boot- they are what I'll be getting next time out!


Gotta agree with Buzz...if ya ain't pulling spines- your not huntin' goats!
Buzz, I don't think they willbe eliminated all together, I just want to get around without crutches on day three.

I like the idea of the rubberized knee pads, I will definitely have a pair by the weekend. Now I just gotta figure out how to protect my hands a bit.

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