Another first and last...


Active member
May 22, 2004
Southern Alberta
Took Fallingrock [Brayden] out this morning to try for his first deer. We spotted 11 whitetail bucks at about 600 yrds in our favorite river bottom. The biggest being about 140. As we watched them moving towards their bedding area I noticed a bowhunter in a tree stand about two trails over from them. He was setup on the wrong trail and rather than screw up his day we headed to another area.
We arrived in an area that had miles of small gullies running off the river bottom. As we worked our way along these gullies we kept getting busted by does. As you can see in the first picture it's hard to sneek along these gullies with does bedded the way they were today. Notice the cropped doe from the hilltop in the gully


We ended up pushing several bucks ahead of us for about 2 miles. Somewhere a couple decent 4x4s lost us and when we finally got to a spot that Fallingrock could get a shot he took the biggest that was there. This is where the first and last come to play with one shot. Fallingrock shot his first ever deer and was the last of my kids to do so. We busted 3 bucks at about 250 yrds, as they headed up and over the hill I whistled and this one stopped just long enough for a shot.A solid 3x4. Talk about a hog I couldn't lift it into the truck. I had to drag it part way up a hill and back the truck up and roll it in. Look at that neck the rut is close. Oh Oh remember the hat :D

I'm having way to much fun setting my kids up on their deer. Although the hard part is watching some bucks bigger than I've ever shot walk away because the kids didn't feel comfortable with the shots that were available.
Video at the end.
The morning Brayden shot his buck we had 2 decent mulie bucks broad side one in front of the other. I could have punched the 7mm right through both of them. From where Brayden was to my side and a little down hill all he could see was horns. Brayden crept up to where he could see but had no solid rest and decided not to shoot. We let them and several other bucks go into the next draw and tried to catch up to them but every time we would crest the hill the deer would be heading over the next hill. We changed our approach and came around the end of the next draw instead of going over the top and thats when we caught up to them but lost the two big boys. They were out at roughly 250 when I got them stopped and it didn't take FallingRock long to lay a hurt on the bigger one of the crowd. Brayden hit him just above the back hip and down into the lungs. The buck ran almost back to within 50 yrds of us and layed down in his final resting place in some brush.
I'm a little shakey on the video because I'm trying to watch the deer and make sure Brayden was ready for the next shot.

Braydens Buck
Congrats to Brayden. I like the part of not shooting because he was not comfortable with the shot. He was taught some good ethics from the beginning.
THe last first. Well, I hope there are many more seconds and thirds, etc. Congratulastions to you both.


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