An interesting couple days.


New member
Nov 20, 2001
Tuckerton, NJ
WHAT A DAY This is going to be long, and I hope I can do it justice. Left my house at 230 am and drove to Musky Chucks (my cousin) in Plumsteadville Pennsyvania. Got into my stand a couple of minutes before 6am. It was pretty dull, nothing but a couple squirrels until almost 8 am. I heard a noise behind me, there were two doe coming down the cut, with a 4 point chasing them. They got about 30 yards away, and a 10 point bust out of the brush and starts chasing the 4 point. He chased that Y buck across the scrub field (about 100 yards across) that 4 point was running for all he was worth with the bigger buck right on his ass. When the 4 hit the woodline, the 10 quit, and started back. He got almost back to where the chase started, the two doe were still milling around eating acorns. The big boy stopped and started tearing up a bunch of small trees, pawing the ground, grunting, and snorting. It was really amazing watching him do this, he was telling all the deer in the woods, he was the king, and the girls were his. He disappeared behind me in some thick stuff, I watched for awhile then lost him. I thought he left, about an hour later a house cat came sneaking thru the woods, and spooked the big boy, and he was gone. Must have been taking a nap back there. I sat there until about 11 then broke camp, and headed for WhiteMarsh, Pennsylvania a little 37 acre piece of private property that I been hunting the same buck in for the last three years.
I got in the tree at Whitemarsh 2pm, nothing, not even a squirrel was moving. I was thinking this is the first time this has happened here, I always see deer in that spot. 4 pm two doe an two spikes show up. The one spike had nice curved spikes about 9-10 inches long. The other one had spikes that were straight up and down, no curve about the same length, they moseyed around for about 20 minutes and moved on. A little before 5 a small y buck came down thru, ate some acorns, cruised the area a little while, and moseyd off. Shortly a bigger Y (nice size rack, and nice body, legal any where but PA) came thru, it got in front of me and stopped. It hadn't busted me, but it didn't want to go the way it was headed, and it didn't want to go back the way it came. He was almost panicking, first he would start heading to my right, then change his mind and turn to go left, then back right. Finally he decided right was the way to go. It was closing in on dark, and I saw why he was panicking, a bigger buck at least an 8 point maybe more was coming down thru. I got ready for the shot, when all of a sudden he bolted back the way he came from. I did a grunt and he stopped long enough to release an arrow. Hit him high about mid way back. By the time I got my stuff back to the truck and came back to start tracking, it was full dark, no blood trail, the arrow didn't pass thru. I soent two hours looking for any sign, and couldn't find any. This morning my buddy Hugh met me at Whitemarsh, and we started looking for sign, after two hours Hugh found where the buck layed up, and left about a teaspoon full of blood. Further investigation we found one more place he layed up, and left a little blood, and one place I found one single drop. Hugh, had to go to work, I kept looking. Just before lunch time, I pushed a rack buck out about 60-70 yards away. He wasn't in a hurry all I could see was bits of his rack as he walked. I found his bed, no sign of blood, I bumped him twice more, both times found where he was bedded up, an no blood, but the rack looks like the one from the night before. This area is so thick of red, and greenbriars you can hardly walk it. I think the buck I was bumping was the one from last night. Hopefully he will make it. I have never in all my years of hunting lost a deer. A first for me.
I read the first.. and Last sentence. Looks like you lost a deer ? Sorry to hear, I'll read the story later ... :p
I feel your pain. I am having one of those years myself, hang in there it can only get better is what i am telling myself.
I have pretty much covered that 37 acres, I will be back there next Tuesday evening for the hunt. I truly beleive the buck I was pushing ahead of me was the one I shot. I think he is going to be ok, the little blood that was lost, the fact that he was still moving 18 hours after the shot. Besides its 2 1/2 hours to this hunting spot, and I have to work for a living.
It really sucks when some thing is hit and you can't find it...

I hope you find it alive and well next season to get an arrow into.... :)

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