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Absurd Welfare Rancher sues BLM for loss of cattle in wildfire


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
This Welfare Rancher is flippin' amazing!!! The guy is suing the BLM cause he took a risk in ranching, and lost. And now, he wants the BLM to pay for his loss!!!
This is a complete waste of the court systems!
. I can't believe we have greedy lawyers who will even take these frivilous cases.

This Welfare Rancher now wants the government to cover his losses. What about the next guy, whose cattle don't gain the extra 50 pounds he was hoping for, will he sue for the lost weight?


DIETRICH, Idaho – A rancher is suing the Bureau of Land Management over a wildfire that killed 774 head of cattle.

Hubert Shaw lost his livestock to a lightning-sparked fire that scorched thousands of acres of rangeland in August 2000. The BLM says it’s not responsible for the risk Shaw took on public lands.

Shaw said insurance and a disaster loan compensated him for only about 25 percent of his losses, which he totaled at more than $1.3 million. “I’m still in financial trouble,” he said.

His suit contends BLM “has a duty and obligation to clean up dead grass, dry weeds, dead sagebrush and other flammable materials” that caught fire on the Star Lake West grazing allotment in Lincoln and Jerome counties.

Shaw claims he warned the bureau about the hazard but that it did nothing, then told him his livestock was not in danger. But the fire picked up and raced across 20,000 acres in one evening.

The Department of the Interior denies its Bureau of Land Management was responsible.

BLM rangeland management specialist Tom Miles said nothing in law or regulations requires the agency to reduce fuel loads or prevent fire on grazing allotments.

“That’s one of the risks you have in public lands grazing,” he said.

The case could go to trial in federal court next year.
That'd be the risk of discount grazing. Why didn't he go rake up the dead grass?
After all he's the guy with the land lease, right? When I used to rent property, I cleaned my own yard.
This fellow is just like any "Welfare Whore" who has come to expect good old Uncle Sam to take care of him from before the womb 'til after the grave.

Gunner....don't you know any lawyers? If there's a dollar to be had, they'll root it's a legal system, not a justice system.

Hopefully, before too much money and time is expended it will be thrown out as frivolous litigation.
Remember, these Welfare Ranchers are the Salt of the Earth. These are the guys who make America great. These guys are not even trying to get rich, they just want to live their peaceful life, and support the communities they live in...

And not to say the Welfare Rancher is dishonest, but the fact he is claiming his cows were worth $1700 a head...
Wherever there is a lawsuit, good or bad, you will find some deviant lawyer with his greasy, greedy palm in the mix. Remove the lawyers from this whole equation and there would be no frivolous law suits plugging the system up and wasting tax payer dollars..

Actually, you are jumping to conclusions without any facts if you believe there was a lawyer involved. In our court system, you can file suit without a lawyer. In this case, the Welfare Rancher is definitely the Scum, and beyond that is speculation as to who else may be Scum.

Do you have no outrage over the absurdity of the Welfare Rancher's claim? Do you feel no outrage toward somebody trying to get the government to pay $1700 per head of grade cows?

This is not about the lawyer, this is about the greed of the Welfare Rancher.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-29-2003 07:42: Message edited by: YoteGunner ]</font>
The way I see it, if he already got paid from the insurance, he has no claim other financial compensations. That would be asking to be paid for the hayburners twice, right?
I'm not saying he has a claim here in the first place, but you can only get market from cows once.

I see the cheap, subsidized lease, as compensation enough. Enough is enough.
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