A successful first-timer


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2001
North Dakota
Last night I was lucky enough to be part of a good friend's hunt with his daughter, in which they were trying to get her her first deer and it turned out GREAT.

My rancher friend was kind enough to allow me to bring the father/daughter team out to the ranch where my son had taken his doe last Saturday. The blind was still up from last weekend so no need to fiddle with it, just climb in and hunt.

Anyway, I showed them a map of the area and pointed out the route to get to the blind, dropped them off, dropped my son off at his tree stand, and headed down the road a ways with my daughter to do a bit of bowhunting. Ended up running into the landowner so chatted with him for about 15 minutes and were just about to grab the bow and head out when my phone rang...the daughter had already taken her first deer and they hadn't even been in the blind 30 minutes!

The smile says it all:

Father and Daughter:

The whole gang:


It is always a blast getting to help out new hunters but it is even more rewarding when they are such good people.
That is excellent..My son will be trying for his first deer in about 2weeks. Hopefully I'll have a picture with him smiling like this young lady...great job..
Slick healthy looking doe...congrats to the huntress. Gotta love all the smiles.
My son got his first deer and turkey this year...hooked for life! Good to see others passing down this great tradition!
Congrats to that lovely young lady, and bravo to the land owner for giving the kids a good place to get in the field with their dads and make some memories!