A Real Hero says, "Kerry Is Not A Hero"


New member
Jun 13, 2002
Boise, Idaho, U.S.A.
Houston Attorney John O'Neill may have dumped Democratic presumptive candidate John F. Kerry's chances to be president into the trash heap of failed wannabes.

O'Neill, who while serving in Vietnam later commanded the same swift boat as Kerry, recently appeared on the very liberal CNN to be interviewed by the very liberal Wolf Blitzer.
O'Neill, back then a Democrat who voted for Hubert Humphrey, debated Kerry on the Dick Cavett show in 1971. That was when Kerry was making wild charges about American soldiers committing atrocities. He cleaned Kerry's clock then, because Kerry could not substantiate any of the lies he was telling. Other news agencies have tried to interview O'Neill since then, but he has always refused.

When Blitzer pointed out that Kerry had the support of some very vocal veterans, O'Neill answered, "what you've got is the same seven or eight people recycled over and over again. I think you'll find when you match numbers out of Coastal Division 11, the people that knew him, the people that came from the unit like I did, I think you'll find that he'll get less votes than a Republican would get in South Boston."
O'Neill said, "I think you'll find people are very, very angry at John Kerry. They remember his career in Vietnam as a short, controversial one. And they believe only Hollywood could turn this guy into a war hero. I saw some war heroes, Wolf. John Kerry is not a war hero. He couldn't tie the shoes of some of the people in Coastal Division 11."
So I get confused, is Viet Nam a campaign issue or not????
Today on the Senate Floor, John McCain reminded everybody that Viet Nam has been over for 30 years, and we needed to worry about Iraq.....

Can you say "Quagmire"???

(Hey Hangar, where do you get the idea that this O'neil character is a "real hero"? Is there more to the story than you pasted???)
Yeah, I chopped it, but at the point the author starts gushing about O'Neill.

Here is the link

As for the title - O'Neill says this: "I saw some war heroes, Wolf. John Kerry is not a war hero. He couldn't tie the shoes of some of the people in Coastal Division 11."

I don't know if you saw Band of Brothers. In the episode "We Stand Alone Together" Richard Winters reads a passage from a letter that said something like "No, I was not a hero. I served with heroes."

That's the subtle connection.

edit: Forgot the addressing of Vietnam question. I like to get the last word in sometimes, so WTF, eh?

As for Quagmire, you need to go back and read some more John McCain about that. I posted the link in another thread.

What kind of Looney-Toon publication is that one??? :eek: Here is the entire page you linked, it never calls ONeil a hero, but it does talk about flowering fruit trees....

Delaware County is wearing her spring clothing. Her flowering fruit trees are in full bloom. The forsythia is showing off yellow blossoms and the daffodils, especially in Thornbury Township, smile as we drive by. The tulips are out and the azaleas and rhododendron will soon join them.
Life is good.


Houston Attorney John O'Neill may have dumped Democratic presumptive candidate John F. Kerry's chances to be president into the trash heap of failed wannabes.
O'Neill, who while serving in Vietnam later commanded the same swift boat as Kerry, recently appeared on the very liberal CNN to be interviewed by the very liberal Wolf Blitzer.
O'Neill, back then a Democrat who voted for Hubert Humphrey, debated Kerry on the Dick Cavett show in 1971. That was when Kerry was making wild charges about American soldiers committing atrocities. He cleaned Kerry's clock then, because Kerry could not substantiate any of the lies he was telling. Other news agencies have tried to interview O'Neill since then, but he has always refused.
When Blitzer pointed out that Kerry had the support of some very vocal veterans, O'Neill answered, "what you've got is the same seven or eight people recycled over and over again. I think you'll find when you match numbers out of Coastal Division 11, the people that knew him, the people that came from the unit like I did, I think you'll find that he'll get less votes than a Republican would get in South Boston."
O'Neill said, "I think you'll find people are very, very angry at John Kerry. They remember his career in Vietnam as a short, controversial one. And they believe only Hollywood could turn this guy into a war hero. I saw some war heroes, Wolf. John Kerry is not a war hero. He couldn't tie the shoes of some of the people in Coastal Division 11."
There is now serious talk about dumping Kerry in favor of Hillary Clinton. Stay tuned.
Actually, the guy the Democrats ought to get to run is John O'Neill, a real hero.
Ouch! There is more bad news for the Democrats.
Former chief White House political adviser Dick Morris charged accused 9/11 Commissioner Jamie Gorelick of being the U.S. public official "most responsible for 9/11 happening."
Morris told Fox News Channel's Hannity & Colmes that
"Of all of the public officials in the Clinton administration and the Bush administration, the one who is most directly, in my judgment, responsible for 9/11 happening, is Jamie Gorelick."
The New York Times last week misidentified Republican Senate candidate Pete Coors as a Ku Klux Klan member who murdered a black sharecropper.
The Coors campaign found the error "so outrageous it's kind of funny," said spokeswoman Cinamon Watson.
"It could have been worse," she said. "Pete could have been identified as John Kerry."
Ms. Watson said she notified the Times after the Rocky Mountain News spotted the mistake.
"I think there will be a correction," she deadpanned.
Maybe the Times had Coors confused with Sen. Robert Byrd (D W.Va.) who was once a KKK recruiter.
Off The Internet:
A Ten-Cent Idea
When young F. W. Woolworth was a store clerk, he tried to convince his boss to have a ten-cent sale to reduce inventory. The boss agreed, and the idea was a resounding success. This inspired Woolworth to open his own store and price items at a nickel and a dime. He needed capital for such a venture, so he asked his boss to supply the capital for part interest in the store. His boss turned him down flat. "The idea is too risky," he told Woolworth. "There are not enough items to sell for five and ten cents."
Woolworth went ahead without his boss's backing, and he not only was successful in his first store, but eventually he owned a chain of F.W. Woolworth stores across the nation. Later, his former boss was heard to remark, "As far as I can figure out, every word I used to turn Woolworth down cost me about a million dollars."

©CountyPressOnline.com 2004
That is some pretty funny shit, isn't it. I to share it. I found a link to the CNN article referenced, but it was not near as funny.

I never said it called him a hero. Though I can see how you would assume what you did given the initial post. I explained already in my previous post.

Maybe this will make you feel better.


The Houston attorney disdains Kerry's constant reference to his military service on the campaign trail.

"He appears in a flight jacket, which, by the way, we never wore in Vietnam because the temperature was 90-plus degrees," he said.
Too funny!

Here is another one, but I'm not going to post any of it here either. These long reads get old after a while.

Whiskers is my hero!! :D LMAO. Well anyway; I think Mr. Kerry has with his military service has made "much ado about nothing" and needs to apologise to the men and women who really did earn their medals. If Kerry is so ashamed of Vietnam, denouncing the war, accusing the US men and women of committing atrocities, and throwing away his medals, etc; whey doesn't he just shut the hell up about it?? :confused: Guess why!! ;)
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